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Saturday, April 21 Walk Begins 9:00 am sharp World Trade Center=20 121 SW Salmon Portland, Oregon CONGRATULATIONS! Your commitment to join TEAM ENRON has helped our TEAM be= =20 the LARGEST MS team in the state of Oregon. This is a great achievement an= d=20 one that we can all be proud of. Your commitment to this Walk and the=20 pledges you raise will help to find the cause and cure for multiple scleros= is. At the time of this email notice, approximately 150 TEAM ENRON walkers have= =20 registered. The following Q&A will provide instructions/directions in orde= r=20 for us to have a successful Walk this Saturday! Where is the Enron MS Walk held this year? This year=01,s Walk begins and ends at 1st & Salmon Street, near the Salmon= =20 Street Springs =01) in Waterfront Park. Registration will be directly acr= oss=20 the street at Two World Trade Center (middle building of PGE=01,s offices a= t 2nd=20 & Salmon). What time does the Walk begin and how far is it? The Walk begins at 9:00 am =01) rain or shine! You can elect to walk in th= e 5K=20 or 10K =01) no decision or commitment needs to be made; just decide the day= of=20 the event. It is recommended, due to parking constraints, that all Walkers= =20 arrive downtown by 8:00 am, in order to complete required tasks before the= =20 Walk. =20 Can I bring my dog with me? You sure can! All TEAM ENRON dogs are welcome to walk with their owners fo= r=20 this great cause. All dogs should have leashes. Just be sure to bring alo= ng=20 your own pooper-scoopers for this purpose.=20 Where do I meet up with TEAM ENRON? TEAM ENRON walkers will meet around 8:30 am near Salmon Street Springs =01)= look=20 for the TEAM ENRON sign. There will be lots of activity and people in this= =20 area, so plan ahead to meet up with your fellow TEAM ENRON walkers no later= =20 than 8:45 am. =20 I haven=01,t received my TEAM ENRON t-shirt =01) what do I do? Because of the number of TEAM ENRON registrants and the various locations o= f=20 our TEAM walkers, it may not be possible to deliver t-shirts to each walker= . =20 Therefore, if you HAVE NOT received your TEAM ENRON t-shirt by the end of t= he=20 work day on Friday, April 20, please plan on picking up your t-shirt betwee= n=20 8:00-8:30 am on Walk Day. Pick-up location will be at One World Trade Cent= er=20 on the Bridge Level (at the top of the escalators). T-shirts will be=20 distributed at this location from 8:00-8:30 am ONLY.. Am I suppose to wear my TEAM ENRON t-shirt at the Walk? Yes, yes, yes! As the title sponsor of this year=01,s Walk for the state o= f=20 Oregon, we want to show off our name and support for this great cause! =20 What if I have NOT turned in my pledge form to a Team Captain before the Wa= lk? No problem. We encourage you to turn in your pledges at the MS registratio= n=20 tables at Two World Trade Center prior to the Walk that morning. Most of y= ou=20 have received the yellow notice and white envelope in the mail from the MS= =20 Society. This envelope is to be used to put your pledge form and collected= =20 dollars/checks in. If you did NOT receive the yellow notice and white=20 envelope in the mail from the MS Society, they will provide an envelope for= =20 this purpose at the MS Registration table.=20 Upon turning in your pledge form at the Registration table, you will receiv= e=20 an MS walk t-shirt. (For those that have already turned in their pledges= =20 prior to Saturday, the MS Walk t-shirt will be delivered or sent to you.) I thought I was pre-registered and the pledges would be picked up prior to= =20 the Walk. Again, because of the various locations for our Walkers, it may not be=20 possible to pick up all pledges. If your pledge form is NOT picked up pri= or=20 to the end of the work day this Friday, you will need to do the following: 1) Pick up your TEAM ENRON t-shirt (instructions above) 2) Go to MS Registration Table to turn in your pledge form 3) Pick up your MS Walk t-shirt at the same time you turn in your pledge=20 form. (You will only receive your MS Walk t-shirt once your pledge forms ha= ve=20 been turned in.) I have a friend that wants to walk but isn=01,t registered, can they regist= er=20 the day of event? Absolutely. Send that friend to the =01&Walk On=01,s=018 table in the Regi= stration=20 area. Be sure to have them sign on as TEAM ENRON walker! Do I need to bring anything else with me for this Walk? If you plan on carrying anything with you, ie,identification, wallet, MS wa= lk=20 t-shirt, water, umbrella, camera, munchies, etc., you may want to carry a= =20 backpack. =20 Does Enron match employee contributions? Enron will match Enron Broadband Services and Enron North America employee= =20 contributions. If you have not completed a matching form, please contact= =20 your team captain. These employee contributions are matched 100% and adds = up=20 easily. Is this tax-deductible and how are receipts given? You bet it is tax-deductible. If a pledge is $75 or greater, a=20 tax-deductible receipt will be sent directly from the MS Society. However,= =20 if the pledge is less than $75 and a receipt is requested, a receipt needs = to=20 be provided by the Walker. You can pick these receipts up at the MS=20 Registration Table or contact Judy Timson, 503/886-0501 or email her at=20 judy_timson@enron.net. What if I have not collected all my pledges OR have forgotten my pledge for= m=20 at home? Not to worry. You have until May 25 to turn in your pledge forms and dolla= rs=20 to the MS Society, in order to be eligible for the prizes offered by the=20 sponsors of this Walk. If your pledges are turned in after the MS Walk, th= ey=20 should be sent as follows: National MS Society Portland Chapter 1650 NW Naito Parkway Suite 190 Portland, OR 97209 (Phone 503/223-9511) How does this work for TEAM ENRON prizes IF my pledge form does not get=20 turned in the day of the Event? The TEAM ENRON deadline is earlier due to the key prize award of two=20 round-trip airline tickets on Continental Airlines. In order to be eligible= =20 for this prize, you must have ALL your pledges into the MS Society by April= =20 30th.=20 How am I eligible for the two round-trip Continental Airline tickets? One of the TEAM ENRON walkers will walk away with this grand prize. On May= =20 1, the MS Society will confirm with Judy Timson which TEAM ENRON walker=20 successfully raised the most dollars. Judy will then contact the grand pri= ze=20 winner by phone. Notification of the WINNING WALKER will be sent out, via= =20 email, to all registrants that provided an email address. GOOD LUCK and=20 continue collecting =01) you could be the lucky winner of this wonderful pr= ize! I thought there were other incentive prizes =01) what are they AND how am I= =20 eligible for those? For every TEAM ENRON walker participating in the MS Walk, your name will be= =20 in a drawing to receive one of the following prizes: ? Overnight Hotel Package at The Benson Hotel ? Overnight Hotel Package at The Riverplace Hotel ? Overnight Hotel Package at The Marriott Downtown Hotel ? Overnight Hotel Package at The Marriott Residence Inn This drawing will take place on April 25. The winners will be contacted by= =20 phone; notification of these WINNING WALKERS will be sent out, via email, t= o=20 all registrants that provided an email address. Are kids allowed to walk and is there a Prize for them? Yes, kids can participate in the Walk. All kids will be eligible for a $25= =20 gift certificate to Toys-R-Us, with one lucky winner taking home this gift= =20 certificate. This drawing will take place on April 25. The winner will be= =20 contacted by phone; notification of this WINNING WALKER will be sent out, v= ia=20 email, to all registrants that provided an email address. Are TEAM ENRON walkers to meet after the Walk? No, due to participating in the 5K or 10K and due to people=01,s own walkin= g=20 times, it would be difficult to hold a gathering afterwards. However, we= =20 encourage all TEAM ENRON walkers to enjoy the activities, booths, music,=20 refreshments, food, etc., that will be provided at the end of the Walk. What if I have questions? Please feel free to call Judy Timson, 503/886-0501 or email your question:= =20 judy_timson@enron.net. =20 Walk in good health and have great time! Judy Timson Project Manager Specialist=20 Enron Broadband Services 2100 SW River Parkway Portland, Oregon 97201 Office: 503-886-0501 FAX: 503-886-0102