Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Invitation to Jennifer Lev's Baby Shower
Date:Mon, 15 Oct 2001 13:43:20 -0700 (PDT)


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Thompson, Debra =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 15, 2001 2:30 PM
To:=09Allen, Kelly; Culwell, Christi; Kilmer III, Robert; Lichtenwalter, Bl=
air; Lokey, Teb; Paschal, Zelda; Veatch, Stephen
Subject:=09Re: Invitation to Jennifer Lev's Baby Shower

Would you let me know if you are interested in contributing toward a group =
gift. If so, I would be willing to try to coordinate that effort.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Williams, Amelia =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 15, 2001 1:47 PM
To:=09Allen, Kelly; Attasseril , Finney; Baker, Henry; Baker, Lee; Barnes, =
Caroline; Bayley, Bruce; Brabham, Miriam; Brasher, Barney; Carpenter, Nancy=
; Cernoch, Leon; Concklin, Elaine; Culwell, Christi; Fletcher, Frankie; Geh=
eb, Robert; Goradia, Pallavi; Hernandez, Dahlia; Hsieh, Sally; Jameson, Bet=
ty; Jones, Vera; Keiser, John; Kilmer III, Robert; Lichtenwalter, Blair; Lo=
key, Teb; Loyd Jr., Talbert; Navarro, Silvia; Northcutt, Judy; Palma, Larry=
; Paschal, Zelda; Patel, Sophie; Perales, Maria; Prendergast, Pat; Richard,=
Teronna; Rosen, Mylinda; Rosenberg, David E.; Schroeder, Maggie; Smilenova=
, Rositza; Thompson, Debra; Tu, Denis; Veatch, Stephen; Adame, Robert; Avil=
a, Rafael; Bayles, Timothy; Bickerstaff, Rene; Bragg, Kimberly; Carethers, =
Ann; Carriere, Frank; Chandler, Bob; Cisneros, Maria; Clennon, Dawn; Cobb J=
r., John; Daniels, Diane; Davis, Kasey; Dimacali, Aurora; Elizondo, Rudolph=
; Escamilla, Linda; Fancler, Dan; Gonzalez, Maria Y.; Hubbard, Mary; Ivey, =
Hoyt; Joe, Allen; Jolibois, Anne; Kafarela, Zandra; Kennell, Amanda; Lev, J=
ennifer; Lin, Judy; Lyman, Jane; McEllin, David; Meerbott, Trey; Miller, Ro=
bert; Moseley, Debbie; Patterson, Sonya; Pham, Daniel ; Pittman, Julia; Por=
ter, Theresa; Rainbow, Traci E.; Santellan, Dan; Saunders, James; Shupe, Ja=
cob; Studzinski, Betty; Sutton, Lisa; Villela, Joe; Walters Jr., Harry; Wal=
ton, Mark; Youngson, Karen; Zahn, Gary
Subject:=09Invitation to Jennifer Lev's Baby Shower

Please see the attached (hit F5 for a show) invitation for Jennifer Lev's B=
aby Show to be held Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 2:30 p.m.=20

Please let me know if you are planning to attend by Monday, October 22, 200=

<< File: Jennifer Shower Registered.ppt <<=20

If you have any questions, please contact one of the 'Shower Coordinators':
Kim Bragg, 3.7063
Linda Escamilla, 3.3809
Traci Rainbow, 3.7720
Amelia Williams, 3.6857

Thank you, =09=09Amelia...

Amelia L.H. Williams
Enron Transportation Services
713-853-6857, 3AC3379