Enron Mail

To:plove@enron.com, leemobley@excite.com, jimwood_mail@yahoo.com,gwave85@hotmail.com, chancewood@hotmail.com, shane.dobbs@fctg.com
Subject:Fw: Fw: What a man needs
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 09:19:55 -0800 (PST)

----- Original Message -----
From: Jamey Estes <jameyestes@yahoo.com<
To: DONNA BEHYMER <donna@swoca.net<
Cc: RAY RAY <raypaulk@surfsouth.com<; BILL SAGER <bsager@yicnow.com<; DAVID
<gilliamtransport@earthlink.net<; M. HALLMARK <mhallmark@yicnow.com<; Ginger
Hunsinger <gingerh@sonet.net<; HEATHER KELLEY <HJKELLEY_73@YAHOO.COM<;
<leemobley@excite.com<; Cindi Nuciforo <cnuciforo@assocdealers.com<
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 10:53 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: What a man needs

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To: "Tami \(work\)" <tkelley@microsped.com<
Cc: "Rick" <rickyhood28@hotmail.com<, "Tex Johnson" <texjohnson1@yahoo.com<, "Jamey Estes" <jameyestes@yahoo.com<, "Terry \(T.O.\) Oliver" <terryoliver_2000@yahoo.com<, "Jerry Cummings" <jcumming@sonet.net<, "Pat" <phood@ala.nu<
Subject: Fw: What a man needs
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Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 11:12 PM
Subject: What a man needs
< < What a Man Needs:
< <
< < One day this guy, who has been stranded on a desert
< < island all alone for ten years, sees an unusual speck
< < on the horizon.
< <
< < "It's certainly not a ship", he thinks to himself.
< < As the speck gets closer and closer. He begins to
< < rule out the possibilities of a small boat, then even
< < a raft. Suddenly, emerging from the surf comes this
< < drop-dead gorgeous blonde woman wearing a wet suit
< < and scuba gear.
< <
< < She approaches the stunned guy and says to him, "Tell
< < me, how long has it been since you've had a
< < cigarette?"
< <
< < "Ten years," replies the stunned man. With that, she
< < reaches over and unzips a waterproof pocket on her
< < left sleeve and pulls out a pack of fresh cigarettes.
< < He takes one, lights it and takes a long drag and
< < say, "Man oh man!!" Is that ever good!"
< <
< < " And how long has it been since you've had a sip of
< < bourbon?" she asks him, trembling, the castaway
< < replies, "Ten years!" She reaches over, unzips her
< < waterproof pocket on her right sleeve pulls out a
< < flask and hands it to him. He opens the flask, takes
< < a long swig and says, "Wow, that's absolutely
< < fantastic!!"
< <
< < At this point, she starts slowly unzipping the long
< < zipper that runs down the front of her wet suit,
< < looks at him seductively and asks, " And how long
< < has it been since you've played around?"
< <
< < With tears in his eyes the guy falls to his knees and
< < says, "Oh sweet Jesus! Don't tell me you've got
< < golf clubs in there too!!!".

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