Enron Mail

Date:Mon, 26 Nov 2001 03:45:09 -0800 (PST)

How true!

<<< "Love, Phillip M." <Phillip.M.Love@ENRON.com< 11/25/01 12:12PM <<<

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Dobbs_Shane <Shane.Dobbs@fctg.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 7:42 AM
< To: 'jmjaked@mindspring.com'; Love, Phillip M.
< < <Well put...
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < < Driving back from Auburn to Birmingham tonight, obviously
< disappointed
< < < with the Tiger's performance, I noticed a sheet with a spray
< < < painted message on it hanging in the yard of a trailer park in
< < < Childersburg on
< US
< < < 280. Maybe some of you saw it as well. The message: "Auburn
< sucks". My
< < < first thought was "That is really typical of most Bama fans; a
< < < bunch
< of
< < < inbred, trailer trash, redneck losers-in-life with a foul
< mouths."
< < <About
< < < five miles up the road, in Harpersville, a group of similar
< looking
< < <people
< < < were gathered at the towns only stop light on 280, and were
< < <screaming
< < < obscenities and holding up "Auburn sucks" and "Roll Tide" signs.
< Then
< < <I
< < < started thinking about what it means to be an Auburn fan, and
< to love
< < < Auburn. I realized how truly blessed we are to be Auburn people.
< While
< < < we stereotype Bama fans as above (and are sometimes correct
< in our
< < < assumptions), we must remember that most of them haven't had or
< seized
< < <the
< < < same opportunities as we have. Most of us are privileged to have
< had
< < <the
< < < opportunity to attend Auburn, attend Auburn events, and/or
< experience
< the
< < < Auburn atmosphere. 99% of Alabama fans will never set foot on a
< college
< < < campus and have no idea where Tuscaloosa is even located. As
< Auburn
< < < people, we don't place our own self worth on whether our team
< wins or
< < < loses. We love Auburn no matter what. Lets count our blessings
< and
< < < remember that It's Great to be an Auburn Tiger!

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