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---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT on 10/23/2000
03:32 PM --------------------------- "Love, Dianne" <love@cl.uh.edu< on 10/23/2000 01:19:30 PM To: "'plove@enron.com'" <plove@enron.com< cc: Subject: FW: Auburn Alumni Board Disaster < -----Original Message----- < From: Perdue, Grady < Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 12:56 PM < To: Love, Dianne < Subject: FW: Auburn Alumni Board Disaster < < Do you know anything about all of this stuff? < < -----Original Message----- < From: Flores-Olson, Linda < Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 12:15 PM < To: Perdue, Grady < Subject: FW: Auburn Alumni Board Disaster < < UHCL is not the only one... < < -----Original Message----- < From: Ott, Resa < Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 11:08 AM < To: Flores-Olson, Linda < Subject: Auburn Alumni Board Disaster < < < This is from the Chronicle of Higher Ed < < Resa < < As Accusations Fly, Judge Orders Auburn Alumni Association to Hold New < Election < By COURTNEY LEATHERMAN <mailto:courtney.leatherman@chronicle.com< < An election for new members of the Auburn Alumni Association's board < turned so ugly Saturday that first the voting was postponed and then, < after a state judge was called in, the whole thing was scrapped. The judge < ordered the association to hold a new election in two weeks. < Voting for a new slate of alumni leaders is traditionally a low-key < affair, but it turned into high drama when an alternative slate of < candidates was put forward at the last minute and at least 150 people < showed up to vote. Beneath all the accusations -- that proxies were < improperly collected and that fax machines were jammed to prevent opposing < votes -- is the real issue: Next month, voters in Alabama will decide < whether to amend the state constitution to change the way that Auburn's < trustees are elected. If the referendum passes, as it is expected to, < leaders of the alumni association will have a say in the selection of < trustees. < The amendment calls for the creation of a nominating committee consisting < of the governor, two trustees, and two directors of the alumni < association's board. Currently, trustees are appointed by the governor. < On Saturday, seven nominees -- a new president, vice president, and five < other members -- were to have been elected to the association's board. The < slate, which was put forward in July by the association's nominating < committee, included some people who have pushed for changes in the way < that Auburn's trustees are elected. The proposed changes on this year's < ballot include a measure that would establish term limits for Auburn's < trustees and that would allow alumni who live outside of Alabama to serve < as trustees, as well as involve alumni leaders in the selection of < trustees. That's the legislation that will go before voters. < Less than a week before the alumni association vote was to take place, an < alternative slate for all the posts but president was put forward by the < nominee for president, Golda McDaniels. Ms. McDaniels could not be reached < for comment, but critics of the new slate believe that Ms. McDaniel was < nervous about whether she would really be elected and sought proxy votes < in her behalf from many alumni, including a controversial and long-time < Auburn trustee, Robert E. Lowder. < Mr. Lowder has opposed efforts to change the way trustees are selected, < and his critics speculate that he saw an opening when Ms. McDaniels asked < for his support: He planned to get her to put forward a whole new slate < for all the other posts to be elected by proxy votes. The suggestion is < that Mr. Lowder wanted to "take over" the alumni association so he and his < allies could maintain control over the Board of Trustees. < "We failed to realize the steps that Mr. Lowder will go to to not allow < any alumni involvement in the election of trustees," said Andy Hornsby, a < nominee to the alumni association's board and an outspoken advocate of < changing the trustee-selection process. < Mr. Lowder called the charges "ridiculous." He said his only involvement < was that Ms. McDaniel had asked for his proxy vote and he had agreed to < give it. "I was just trying to help the lady," he said, noting that she < would be the first woman elected president of the alumni association. "I < get blamed for everything over there," he said. Mr. Lowder accused the < supporters of the original slate of improperly adjourning the meeting < because they didn't have enough proxy votes to win. < While Auburn's homecoming game against Louisiana Tech was going on, alumni < leaders were meeting in Lee County Circuit Court, where Judge Jake Walker < denied Ms. McDaniel's request to reconvene the election meeting and her < request to end the period for proxy votes. Instead, the judge told the < alumni association to hold a new election. < < Resa M. Ott < Community Relations Coordinator < University of Houston-Clear Lake < Phone 281-283-2016, FAX 281-283-2017 < -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < -------- < <