Enron Mail

To:edward.brady@enron.com, kristen.clause@enron.com, darren.espey@enron.com,james.hungerford@enron.com, bruce.mills@enron.com, chance.rabon@enron.com, melissa.videtto@enron.com
Subject:A new day is dawning
Date:Wed, 2 Jan 2002 07:40:05 -0800 (PST)

Just wanted to let you guys in on a few things we have talked with Gossett about. Today we officially begin the process for the New Company. That being said, we now have to tighten the ship a bit. From now on, please refrain from playing games and surfing the internet all day. If you are bored and don't have anything to do, please look for things to do that are work related. This is a good time to improve your skills and learn about things you are not absolutely proficient in. Read some options books, study macros in the P&L's, etc. The key phrase here is work to improve your skills so that we can shake off some of the rust we have developed in the last month. All of this is coming from Goss and it is serious, to be a part of the new company you have to show that you are willing to contribute and are the best of the best.

I know this sounds harsh, but we have all had a nice vacation and I am sure most of you are like me and looking forward to not having such a boring job. It looks as though bidders will be in this week, so we will have some reports and demonstrations to give.

Please pull me aside or email me if you have any further questions.

Thanks and Happy New Year.