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-----Original Message----- From: Brady, Edward Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 9:30 AM To: Hopkins, Stephanie; Love, Phillip M.; Mills, Bruce; Murray, Kevin; 'rachelp17@aol.com'; 'chrisbarber@home.com'; 'mnaylo1@lsu.edu' Subject: FW: A Beautiful Tribute -----Original Message----- From: Jean A Cusick [mailto:jcusic1@lsu.edu] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 8:26 AM To: malexander@catholichigh.org; kbrady@catholichigh.org; sbrignac@catholichigh.org; jenncusick@aol.com; gracefull3@aol.com; hfdeter@cs.com; adroddy@catholichigh.org; mlfay5@aol.com; Gail_Knipp@oxy.com; jlutrick@catholichigh.org; svprice13@hotmail.com; sranney@avenew.com; schmitz@hia.net; joandbobintexas@aol.com Subject: Fw: A Beautiful Tribute Jean A. Cusick Special Events Coordinator Office of the Chancellor Louisiana State University 156 Thomas Boyd Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (225) 578-7084 (225) 578-5982 (fax) jcusic1@lsu.edu ----- Forwarded by Jean A Cusick/jcusic1/LSU on 10/19/2001 08:26 AM ----- "vgbrooks" <vgbrooks@hom To: "Anne Harrison" <anniem184@hotmail.com<, e.com< "Bernice Lennox" <blennox497@aol.com<, "Cookie Uffman" <CPUcookie@aol.com<, "Nancy Donald" 10/18/2001 <Drdendon@aol.com<, <Marshavg@aol.com<, "Jean Kay 06:33 PM Brown" <jkb47@aol.com<, "Margaret Brooksher" <mbbop@aol.com<, <db2014@home.com<, "Maggie Hebert" <MaggieHebert@aol.com<, <DEBRABOEH@aol.com<, "Myra Landry" <myralan@aol.com<, "Megan" <ppptbb@hotmail.com<, "Randy Marrs" <RJMarrs50@aol.com<, "Jean Cusick" <jcusic1@lsu.edu< cc: Subject: Fw: A Beautiful Tribute This was sent to me by a friend who also has a senior at CHS. It was put together by Jamie Wax and Paul Taranto and is truly profound. Please take the time to view it and make sure your sound is on, the music makes it. Vicki ----- Original Message ----- From: Mkruse1@aol.com To: markristie@earthlink.net ; behane@ag.state.la.us ; mpblanc@hotmail.com ; vgbrooks@home.com ; DBrown95571@aol.com ; ShayMozel@aol.com ; dbuco@premier.net ; Mackieb526@aol.com ; ddchauvin@home.com ; twwc@emgsrus.com ; moed702@msn.com ; marduc@email.msn.com ; tincuppearl@yahoo.com ; lou_findley@msn.com ; afund@eatel.net ; Lambert@eatel.net ; salandry@eatel.net ; helen@wtez.net ; jloe@centurytel.net ; mcclan@home.com ; donna_neuman@yahoo.com ; hnormand@cox-internet.com ; mfutrell@home.com ; patin@canufly.net ; sunbird@flash.net ; patinrr@houston.rr.com ; fpatin@houston.rr.com ; patingk@juno.com ; patisea@chrobinson.com ; stevesr@eatel.net ; GRober9615@aol.com ; craigstephens@mobiletel.com ; RTRIDEWAVE@aol.com ; aande11@lsu.edu ; BonBkt@aol.com ; rwatson@eatel.net Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 6:42 AM Subject: Fwd: A Beautiful Tribute Be sure to visit this sight. It is very well done. Some of you know Jamie Wax and others will have heard the name Taranto because Darlene, who taught Hank and Mamie and will, hopefully, teach Mak in 5th grade is Paul's wife. Paul and Jamie wrote the musical "Evangeline" (based on the Acadian story of Evangeline). The music is from that play. Take Care Mary (Stella) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I have seen several tributes -- but this one is really special. New photos of the WTC disaster - such an unbelievable nightmare. Take a few minutes to watch this. It's worth it. -- Jarja A guy in Baton Rouge -- Mason Wood -- put together this incredible montage of the images from 9/11/01 that is incredibly poignant and well presented. You've got to see it to appreciate it. It is set to music written by Jamie Wax and Paul Taranto from the musical "Evangeline". They didn't realize what a profoundly appropriate backdrop it would make to express a country's sentiments. Put it on and turn it up! Then send this on. I did. Go to: www.masonwood.net/sept112001.html http://www.masonwood.net/sept112001.html