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Enron Mail |
This time table of 6 p.m. is not acceptable for risk management. Most days=
we are not done calcing the gas books by 6 p.m. Now we have just learned = that Oracle is down and we do not know when we will get to start the calcin= g process that we normally start at 3:30. Please adjust accordingly. Than= ks. PL -----Original Message----- From: =09Muschar, Daniel =20 Sent:=09Monday, November 05, 2001 3:57 PM To:=09Rybarski, Amanda; Bryant, Rachel; Burk, Bart; Buss, JD; Bussell l, Ka= thryn; Calcagno, Suzanne; Canacoo, Tetteh; Cardenas, Catalina; Carter, Tama= ra; Cavazos, Brandon; Cavazos, Amy; Chang, Bonnie; Chang, Sheila; Chavez, A= lejandra; Chilkina, Elena; Chiu, Lindon; Chmil, Shawn; Choate, Heather; Chr= istiansen, Suzanne; Heu, Mog; Clause, Kristen; Clements, Andrea; Clyatt, Ju= lie; Coleman, Venita; Collins, Angie; Collins, Joann; Colwell, Wes; Compean= , Karla; Concannon, Ruth; Cramer, Chris; Cuilla, Martin; Panos, Jason; Dene= tsosie, Troy; Des Champs, Joseph; Diamond, Russell; Dicarlo, Louis; Dinari,= Sabra L.; Diza, Alain; Doan, Jad; Donohoe, Tom; Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.;= Dronet, David; Druzbik, Lisa; Ermis, Frank; Erwin, Stephanie ; Espey, Darr= en; Espree, Gwen; Falik, Brian; Ferries, Nelson; Figueroa, Chris; Fitzpatri= ck, Amy; Fitzwater, Loftus; Fleming, Matthew B.; Fletcher, Brenda H.; Foley= , Neithard; Fowler, Kulvinder; Fraley, Keith; Frank, Carole; Franklin, Scot= t; Franklin, Mary Theresa; Franklin, Cynthia; Freeman, Ben; Freeman, Amy; F= rihart, Bryant; Ganjoo, Shalesh; Garcia, Santiago; Garcia, Clarissa; Garza,= Maria; Gaskill, Chris; Gay, Randall L.; Gerl, Jeff; Germany, Chris; Gilber= t, George N.; Gillespie, Steve; Gilmore, Tammy; Giron, Darron C.; Gomez, Ju= lie A.; Gonzales, Alexia; Goodell, Scott; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; Grannen, Mar= ia E; Grant, George; Green, Shane; Gregory, Paul; Greif, Donna; Griffith, J= ohn; Grigsby, Mike; Groenewold, Shannon; Guerra, Jesus; Hall Jr., Robert L.= ; Halstead, Lia; Hamlin, Mason; Hardy, Kimberly; Hawkins, Darian; Hawkins, = Craig; Hayden, Frank; Haynes, Helen; Haynes, Daniel; Hebert, Tamika; Hernan= dez, Jesus A; Hernandez, Elizabeth L.; Herrera, Fernando; Hesse, Lisa; Hewi= tt, Jess P.; Hiatt, Wendy; Hiemstra, Nick; Higgins, Ned; Hilgert, Chris; Hi= llis, Kimberly; Hinze, Ryan; Hodge, John; Hoff, Jonathan; Hogan, Irena D.; = Holst, Keith; Homco, Meredith; Hopkins, Stephanie; Horne, Jonathan; Hotze, = Sarah; Hoyt, Peter; Huan, George; Huang, Jason; Hull, Bryan; Hungerford, Ja= mes; Hurt, Clinton; Hwang, Monica; Hyde, Chris; Hylton, Angela; Irvine, Ger= aldine; Jackson, Brandee; Jennings, Jennifer; Johnson, Luchas; Jones, David= ; Jones, Brad; Jones, Monte; Jones, Robert W.- HR Exec; Jones, Melissa; Kai= ser, Jared; Keavey, Peter F.; Keiser, Kam; Kelly, Katherine L.; Khandker, D= ayem; Kinsey, Lisa; Kitchen, Louise; Knippa, Mark; Kulic, Sladana-Anna; Kur= dov, Milen; Kuykendall, Tori; Lagrasta, Fred; Lamadrid, Victor; Lavorato, J= ohn; Jaquet, Tammy; Lenart, Kirk; Lenhart, Matthew; Lewis, Barry; Lewis, An= drew H.; Lieskovsky, Jozef; Culotta, Lindsay; Lisk, Daniel; Little, Kelli; = Lo, Jeremy; Loibl, Kori; Loocke, Kelly; Love, Phillip M.; Luce, Laura; Magg= i, Mike; Mahmassani, Souad; Manck, Christie; Marquez, Jose; Martin, Jabari;= Thomas, Martin; Martinez, Jennifer; Mattice, Robert; May, Larry; McCaskin,= Michael; McClendon, Lisa; Mckay, Jonathan; Mckay, Brad; McLaughlin Jr., Er= rol; Mendel, Shelly; Meyer, Chris; Meyn, Jim; Michels, David; Migliano, And= rew; Miles, Andrew; Miller, Stephanie; Miller, Kevin; Mills, Jana; Mills, B= ruce; Mims, Patrice L.; Molinaro, Jeffrey; Moon, Eric; Moore, Kevin G.; Mor= ris, John; Mrha, Jean; Muhl, Gil; Murrell, Russell E; Muzzy, Charles T.; Ne= al, Scott; Neese, Junellen; Nelson, Michelle; Newton, Lisbet; Nguyen, Thinh= ; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Olney, Matthew; Olsen, Michael; O'Malley, Justin; O= rdway, Chris; Ortiz, Lucy; Otto, Charles H.; Oxley, David; Pai, Jennie; Par= ks, Joe; Patel, Sheetal; Pathak, Neeran; Pehlivanova, Biliana; Pendegraft, = Sherry; Pendergrass, Cora; Pereira, Susan W.; Perez, Agustin; Perich, Steph= en; Pernoud, Christopher; Pimenov, Vladi; Pinion, Richard; Plachy, Denver; = Plauche, Stephen; Pollan, Sylvia S.; Polsky, Phil; Presas, Jessica; Pritcha= rd, Michael; Prudenti, Dan; Quezada, Daniel; Quigley, Dutch; Rabon, Chance;= Rainer, Eva; Ramirez, Robert; Rangel, Ina; Ratliff, David; Redmond, Brian;= Reitmeyer, Jay; Reyes, Pauline; Ring, Andrea; Riordan, Sean; Roberts, Chau= n; Roberts, Linda; Roberts, Mike A.; Robinson, Ruby; Romero, Araceli; Rosta= nt, Justin; Royed, Jeff; Ruscitti, Kevin; Ryder, Patrick; Saldana, Alex; Sa= linas, Daniel; Salinas, Michael; Sanchez, Christina; Savvas, Leonidas; Schl= esinger, Lauren; Schoppe, Tammie; Schrab, Mark L.; Schwieger, Jim; Scott, S= usan M.; Seksaria, Rahul; Severson, Russ; Shah, Vivek HPL AEP USER; Sheppe= rd, Tammy R.; Shipos, Jennifer; Shireman, Kristann; Shively, Hunter S.; Sho= wers, Digna; Singla, Kimat; Smith, Critz; Smith, Rhonda; Smith, George F.; = Smith, Shauywn; Smith, Mark; Smith, Joseph; Smith, Mark; Smith, Maureen; Sm= ith, William; Solis, Melissa; Soto, Elizabeth; South, Steven P.; Soykok, Gu= lay; Spiegelhauer, Walter; Stehling, Stephanie; Stevens, Adam; Storey, Geof= f; Straight, Margie; Sulistio, Franky; Sullivan, Patti; Sullivan, Colleen; = Superty, Robert; Sutherland, Jan; Tadlock, Jeremi; Tate, Paul; Taylor, Crai= g; Taylor, Joey; Thibaut, Dan; Tholt, Jane M.; Thompkins, Jason; Tian, Yuan= ; Tijerina, Shirley; Titus, Matthew; Townsend, Judy; Trefz, Greg; Trofholz,= Lisa; Tucker, Patrick; Tycholiz, Barry; Underwood, Thomas; Vanderhorst, Ba= rry; Vargas, Laura; Versen, Victoria; Vickers, Frank; Videtto, Melissa; Vil= larreal, Jesse; Villarreal, Alexandra; Vuittonet, Laura; Wang, Yan; Ward, K= im S (Houston); Weldon, V. Charles; Werner, Christian; Wesneske, Brian; Whi= te, Jessica; Whittaker, Brandon; Wilkes, Corey; Williams, Jason (Trading); = Willis, Annette; Willis, James (Tonezone); Wiltfong, Jim; Winfree, O'Neal D= .; Winfrey, Christa; Wolfe, Jason; Wood, Tracy; Wooddy, Sarah; Woodstrom, D= avid; Worthing, Ashley; Wukasch, Jeanne; Yawapongsiri, Virawan; Yeboah, Ric= hard; Young, Becky; Zajac, Sabrae; Zeitz, Eugene; Zhang, Eddie; Zipper, And= y; Zisman, Stuart; Abdullah, Nadeem; Adams, Jacqueline P.; Agarwalla, Dipak= ; Akers, Michelle; Alam, Badar; Alexander, Kim; Allen, Phillip K.; Allwein,= Robert; Ames, Chuck; Arnold, John; Arteaga, Airam; Arya, Sunjay; Bailey, D= erek; Bajwa, Bilal; Baker, Natalie; Barbe, Robin; Barker, James R.; Bartlet= t, Jeff; Bass, Eric; Bates, Kimberly; Baumbach, David; Bayer, Adam; Belsha,= Lorie; Benbow, Troy; Bennett, Stephen W.; Bennett, Peter; Berutti, Aaron; = Bike, Anne; Black, Don; Black, Troy; Boettcher, Amanda; Boudreaux, Shanna; = Boutte-Dupre, Erika; Boyt, Eric; Brady, Kevin; Brady, Edward; Brawner, Sand= ra F.; Breese, Mark; Breslau, Craig; Brewer, Stacey J.; Bronstein, Mara; Br= ooks, Loretta; Bryan, Gary Cc:=09Mcnair, Jason; Belt, Cedric; Bennett, Mike; Brewer, Joe; Carter, Anso= n; Daigle, Philip; Dawn, Amber; Ellis, Carter; Gichana, Doug; Jones, Gregg;= Kellner, Tim; Lafleur, Arnold; Mayeux, David; Mcnair, Jason; Muschar, Dani= el; Oliveira, Brandon; Parker, Brandon; Roberson, Eric; Rosenbohm, Tara; Sp= iller, Brent; Thompson II, Norris; Tipton, Jesse; Tomlinson, Scott; Torres,= Pablo; Turcich, Charles; Vaughan, Beth; Washington, Robert Subject:=09IMPORTANT! Actions this evening. In preparation for the upcoming move to Enron Center South we are moving yo= ur Home Directories to a new trading cluster. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: This will occur for you this EVENING after 6PM. =20 We will need to restart your computer in order to complete this action. =20 Please log out or your computer by 6PM, if the machine is not logged off we= will reboot the machine in order to complete these actions. =20 Save your data before going home this evening. If you have outstanding circumstances that we should address, please reply = to this e-mail and we will change our schedule accordingly. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE BENEFITS OF THIS ACTION: Newer, more stable environment More disk space available for common data Faster network connections HOW THIS WILL EFFECT YOU: If you are a laptop user and have to work at home, you should save any work= to your 'C:' drive on the laptop. DO NOT use the "My Documents" folder. = When you return to work and reconnect to the network, any changes made to f= iles/folders in the "My Documents" folder may be deleted from the laptop. Laptops reconnecting to the network for the first time will receive a synch= ronization error.=20 RESOLUTION: Please call the Resolution Center (x3-1411) and they will correct the probl= em ASAP. We will have additional Technicians available on the floor if the Resolutio= n Center has any problems.