Enron Mail |
The deal still has not been signed, so nothing is currently in those books.
PL -----Original Message----- From: Schultz, Amanda Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 8:59 AM To: Love, Phillip M. Subject: FW: New Gas Book Created- Book Request # 903 Phillip, Another question...last month "Z was set up (Michigan Gas Utility). Jad told me that it was inactive, and I wanted to check if that was still the case. Thanks again, Amanda -----Original Message----- From: Doan, Jad Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:19 AM To: Schultz, Amanda Subject: RE: New Gas Book Created- Book Request # 903 I checked with Phillip Love and he said that it will be its own book, but that it needs to remain inactive until we start putting deals into it. He just wants the book set up so that we can start putting deals in when we're ready.