Enron Mail

To:bevans@enron.com, larry.bevans@elpaso.com, heiny1@aol.com,dougherty@enron.com, nathan.dougherty@eprime.com, gable@enron.com, heather.gable@elpaso.com, gsw@uswest.net, jay.alexander@mirant.com, jernigan@enron.com, sjernig@entergy.com, jerrypadilla2@aol
Date:Tue, 2 Oct 2001 07:00:29 -0700 (PDT)

Well, after 3 weeks we have gone from 37 players to 18 players left. Sorry
those who picked Indy, NY Jets, and Jacksonville. Be sure to get your picks
in early. Don't forget we have $740 in winnings on the line. Also don't
forget you can not use the same team 2 weeks in a row and you can't use any
one team more than 4 times. I have atteched a spreadsheet with your picks
each week listed. Bob <<losers pool.xls<<

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