Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2001 09:52:47 -0700 (PDT)


The A&M game was tragic. My friend Tim and I went to watch it at a sports
bar and, needless to say, I was the only Aggie fan in the crowd. We had a
chance to tie it or win it in the last two minutes. We had driven the ball
from our own 9 yard line to about the CU 30 yard line. We had a first down
and were going for it when we fumbled ($%&*!!) and they took it back for a
touchdown. The waitress felt sorry for me and bought us a shot of I don't
even know what. I'm headed to Texas in a couple of weeks to see the Aggies
Beat the Hell Outta Iowa State at Kyle Field. I haven't been to Kyle Field
in ages so I'm really looking forward to it.

Petrogulf's agreement indicates they have access to all major delivery
points except Opal until the expansion is in place. These other points
would include QGM, MGR, OTTCO and QPL. It's a bit curious to me that they
would have QPL and OTTCO now since they have to go down the 20" to get
there. Seems like these would be in the same boat with the Opal option, so
maybe this is not a true, current option. Can't Petrogulf tell you this
stuff? It's not my place to do it, and the only reason I am is because
you're going to drop a large sum of money taking me out to dinner

As for dinner, yes I'm still available. As for the place, don't feel like
you need to drop a bunch of cash (although cash is thrilling, isn't it??).
I'm happy eating just about anything. I'm trying to be on a new health
kick, so healthy fare sounds appealing. My only condition is that I can't
stay out late because I have a 5:30am appointment at the gym with my
trainer Thurs. am. It's brutal. I leave the house at 5am. Want to stay
downtown or venture out?


"Lucci, Paul
T." To: "Karen L. Taylor" <kltaylor@duke-energy.com<
<Paul.T.Lucci@ cc:
enron.com< Subject: RE:

10/16/01 08:30


I'm back in the office today. Well I see you have to eat crow! I
didn't get a chance to watch the game but I saw CU play Kansas St. and
CU looked good. I even think CU has a good chance of beating UT in
Austin this weekend.

As far as Petrogulf goes, in the mean time before the great expansion,
do they have the right to go to Questar or any other interstate pipeline
delivery points. I think they can take their gas in kind at
Questar/Bird Canyon, but I'm not sure.

And finally, are you still available for dinner Wednesday night. I just
got paid so I'm looking to take you some place nice. Yes, I am bribing


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen L. Taylor [mailto:kltaylor@duke-energy.com]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 5:48 PM
To: plucci@enron.com


Once the expansion is completed (in the next couple of months),
will have access to all delivery points off Jonah. They currently don't
have access to Opal. I think that's all the super secret information I

Hope you have a great weekend. I have a small wager with Shari Wojta
the Fightin' Texas Aggies will Beat the Hell Outta CU tomorrow. Hope I
don't have to eat crow.

See you next week.


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