Enron Mail

To:lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com, kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com
Subject:Enron South America Break-Out Agreement Exhibits
Date:Wed, 6 Dec 2000 14:11:00 -0800 (PST)

Ta da
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 12/06/2000 10:10
PM ---------------------------

"Thompson, Peter J." <peterthompson@akllp.com< on 12/06/2000 01:34:21 PM
To: "Kay Mann (E-mail)" <kay.mann@enron.com<
cc: "Roseann Engeldorf (E-mail)" <roseann.engeldorf@enron.com<, "Pipitone,
Paul" <paulpipitone@akllp.com<, "Cobb, Chris" <chriscobb@akllp.com<, "Taylor,
Rob" <robtaylor@akllp.com<

Subject: Enron South America Break-Out Agreement Exhibits

<<Exhibits to Gas Purchase Agreement(Clean).doc<< <<Comparison of
Versions 5 to 6 (Exhibits to Gas Purchase Agreement).DOC<<

Attached please find clean and blacklined copies of the Enron South
America Facility Agreement Exhibits. The only change is the removal of
Exhibit U.

- Exhibits to Gas Purchase Agreement(Clean).doc
- Comparison of Versions 5 to 6 (Exhibits to Gas Purchase Agreement).DOC