Enron Mail

Subject:GE Breakout contract--Las Vegas Cogen
Date:Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:26:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 11/17/2000 08:26
AM ---------------------------

Dale Rasmussen@ECT
11/16/2000 08:27 PM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, jacquelinelindo@akllp.com,
cc: Bill Williams/PDX/ECT@ECT, Ron Coker/Corp/Enron@Enron, Andrew
Kelemen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan Larsen/PDX/ECT@ECT

Subject: GE Breakout contract--Las Vegas Cogen

Thanks for the current draft contract. I have gone through it and plugged in
the relevant information I have from the Summary Sheet that GE approved

What I don't have, and am most interested in obtaining from whatever source
has them, are the following:

1. Purchase price information (based on the current outstanding balance)
2. Payment schedule (based on current outstanding balance) for Section 6.1.2.
3. The massive volume of specifications and GE boilerplate that is to be
attached to the contract as Exhibits and Schedules.
4. A form for Exhibit U, setting out the correct site-adjusted information
for these 4 turbines.
5. Unit number identifications and guaranteed delivery dates for each of the

We are prepared to fill in the unit-specific information beyond that which we
have already incorporated in the body of the document, and can fill in
specific numbers in Exhibit U, but need to have the remaining information.

Please note that there appears to be a couple of residual references in the
contract that may not or are not relevant to all contracts.

First, Section 10.10.6 (regarding maximum aggregate liquidated damages)
references 30% of the Purchase Amount. It should be 30% of the Maximum
Liability Amount (according to the summary GE approved earlier).

Second, the contract provides for "Optional Electrical Output Guaranty" and
associated liquidated damages in 10.7.3. This guaranty by its terms applies
only to installations utilizing 6 or more turbines. I have deleted it from
the LV contract.

In addition, Bill Williams has told me that the site-adjusted performance
levels that GE provided for the summary information sheet are different (and
less favorable to the project ) than those GE provided him in other
documents. We will need to confirm those numbers with GE.

Is there a contact point at GE whom we should talk with about getting the
information/Exhibits we need, or do we have the information already?

Please let me know. We are in serious need of providing a document to our
prospective purchaser.