Enron Mail

Subject:Master Sales Proceeding
Date:Tue, 6 Mar 2001 02:34:00 -0800 (PST)

Re; enovate/Peoples
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 03/06/2001 10:39
AM ---------------------------

"Boyd J. Springer" <bjspringer@JonesDay.com< on 03/05/2001 12:04:15 PM
To: kay.mann@enron.com, gregg.penman@enron.com

Subject: Master Sales Proceeding

I called Jerry Fox to check on the status of the ICC Staff's testimony
which was to be filed Feb. 28. Jerry reports that Staff requested an
extension until March 29 to file their testimony. Staff has indicated that
it intends to conduct further discovery, i.e. send more data requests.
Jerry also says that Staff has inofrmed Peoples informally that it is
(apparently strongly) opposed to approval of the filing. Jerry says that
Peoples is considering whether to withdraw its Petition for approval. As I
understand it, this depends on whether there is a way to pursue
transactions with enovate without a need for approval (presumably under the
"market price" exception to the approval requirement.) I suggested that it
may be preferable to wait until Staff files its testimony (explianing its
position) before making a decision about withdrawal. Jerry says Peoples'
concern is the additional disocvery which may be conducted. As I understand
it, the case is being discussed internally at Peoples. I don't know whether
Peoples has discussed this with you (Gregg) or anyone at enovate.

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