Enron Mail

Subject:NW my comments in blue
Date:Fri, 23 Mar 2001 05:10:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 03/23/2001 01:16=
PM ---------------------------

Kay Mann
03/23/2001 12:59 PM
To: Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, jkeffer@kslaw.com, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT,=
Chris Booth/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: =20

Subject: NW my comments in blue

March 23, 2001

Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street=20
Houston, TX 77002-7361
Attention: Benjamin F. Jacoby
Executive Director

Re: Acquisition of General Electric 7EA Turbines

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Pursuant to our discussions last week, the following summarizes the main=20
commercial terms agreed to by NorthWestern Corporation (=01&NorthWestern=01=
8) and=20
Enron North America Corp. ("ENA") regarding NorthWestern=01,s purchase thro=
the LLC referred to below or as otherwise accomplished without violation of=
the Turbine Contract referred to below (the =01&Purchase=018) of two (2) Ge=
Electric (=01&GE=018) 7EA combustion turbines (the =01&Turbines=018), the f=
irst of which=20
is presently located at a GE storage facility, and the second of which is=
scheduled to be available for delivery in February, 2002, and both of which=
are subject to purchase from GE under an agreement with GE dated as of May=
31, 2000 (the =01&Turbine Contract=018) with respect to which ENA has the r=
ight to=20
cause a joint venture limited liability company in which, prior to commerci=
operation of the Turbines, ENA holds a 20% equity interest and a wholly-own=
NorthWestern subsidiary (the =01&NorthWestern Subsidiary=018) holds an 80% =
interest (the =01&LLC=018) to become the purchaser:

1. Purchase Price: NorthWestern will pay ENA $48.0 million for the Turbin=
(subject to adjustment as described below). [Adjusted how? Need specific=
reference. Is the statement that the payment is for the turbines consistent=
with the structure? Definitely sounds like a UCC deal, for what that=01,s=
2. Closing Date of Purchase: The Purchase will close on a date on or prio=
to September 1, 2001, as selected by NorthWestern by not less than 30 days=
written notice to ENA,(provided that such notice may not be given less than=
30 days after the signing of a definitive agreement relating to the=20
Purchase). [What happens at closing? Payment of the balance? In the=20
interim are we going to be obligated to perform under the GE contract in a=
certain manner? Are we taking on implied obligations to NW?]
3. Cash Down Payment: NorthWestern will pay ENA an $8.0 million down=20
payment for the Turbines. The first installment ($3.0 million) of the $8.0=
million down payment will be due upon the signing of a definitive agreement=
with ENA providing for the Purchase. The second installment ($5.0 million)=
of the $8.0 million down payment will be due at the earlier of (i) closing =
the Purchase, or (ii) July 15, 2001. [The remaining $40m due at closing, as=
well as any other amounts due to changes, etc?]
4. Liquidated Damages: If, prior to the assignment of the Turbine Contra=
[is proper reference to closing?], the purchaser under the Turbine Contract=
receives any liquidated damages under the Turbine Contract, then ENA will=
give notice thereof to NorthWestern as promptly as possible. [Then what?]
5. Carry Period: ENA will provide an interest-free carry on the unpaid=20
purchase price of the Turbines until July 15, 2001. If the closing of the=
Purchase occurs after July 15, 2001, then the unpaid purchase price of the=
Turbines will be increased by interest at the rate of 7.5% per annum on the=
unpaid purchase price of the Turbines ($40.0 million) for each day from, an=
including, July 15, 2001 to, but excluding, the closing date.
6. Dual Fuel Conversion on Unit 2: ENA will not proceed with this change=
order to effect the conversion. Instead, it will be the responsibility of=
NorthWestern to effect the change order with GE. [does this mean they will=
be negotiating a change order while E Next is still the purchaser? Are we=
committing to pay for the increase? Does the purchase price increase? Is=
there a limit?]
7. Unpaid Price of Second Turbine: At the time of closing, one or more=20
installments of the purchase price of the second Turbine will be payable to=
GE under the Turbine Contract (the =01&Unpaid Installments=018). ENA will =
obligated to pay the Unpaid Installments to GE as they become due under the=
Turbine Contract.=20
8. Guarantees: There will be no guarantee by Enron Corporation of any of=
the representations, warranties, covenants, indemnities or other obligation=
of ENA in connection with the Purchase. All obligations of the LLC under t=
Turbine Contract, as well as all obligations of the NorthWestern Subsidiary=
to ENA in connection with the transaction, will be guaranteed by NorthWeste=

[governing law? Limit on remedies/damages for this letter? Dispute resoluti=

NorthWestern and ENA have acknowledged that, subject to review and approval=
of the structure of the Purchase and the negotiation of final documentation=
relating to the Purchase (which documentation will incorporate the commerci=
terms set forth above), the above commercial terms have received all=20
necessary NorthWestern and ENA internal approvals. [Is this true for Enron?=
] =20
In light of this acknowledgement, NorthWestern and ENA (by signing this=20
letter in the space provided below and returning the same to NorthWestern)=
agree to negotiate, in good faith, to agree upon such structure and such=20
documentation, with a view to executing and delivering a mutually acceptabl=
definitive agreement relating to the Purchase as promptly as practicable. F=
the avoidance of any doubt, it is expressly stated, acknowledged and agreed=
that each of NorthWestern and ENA must be satisfied with such structure and=
such documentation in its own discretion.

[I question whether there is enough wiggle to keep this from being a bindin=
obligation to sell]

By agreeing to the commercial terms set forth in this letter (by signing th=
letter in the space provided below and returning the same to NorthWestern),=
ENA grants NorthWestern, and NorthWestern grants ENA, an exclusive =01&no s=
period through the close of business on Friday, April 13, 2001; and ENA=20
agrees that, during such =01&no shop=018 period, ENA will not discuss or ne=
directly or indirectly, with any person or entity other than NorthWestern f=
or in respect of the purchase or other acquisition by such person or entity=
of the Turbines; and NorthWestern agrees that, during such =01&no shop=018 =
NorthWestern will not discuss or negotiate, directly or indirectly, with an=
person or entity other than ENA for or in respect of the purchase or other=
acquisition by NorthWestern of turbines from such person or entity.. As=20
consideration for ENA agreeing to such =01&no shop=018 period, NorthWestern=
pay to ENA, via wire transfer on the date of receipt by NorthWestern of ENA=
signed agreement, $1.0 million (the =01& No Shop Payment=018). The No Shop=
will not be subject to refund by ENA for any reason or upon any circumstanc=
(including, without limitation, failure of NorthWestern and ENA to agree up=
the structure of, and enter into a definitive agreement relating to, the=20
Purchase). =20

If ENA is in agreement with the foregoing, then please so indicate by signi=
this letter in the space provided below and returning the same to=20
NorthWestern (by facsimile at 605/978-2840 and to the attention of the=20

Very truly yours,


By: Michael J. Young
Title: Senior Corporate Counsel



By: Benjamin F. Jacoby
Title: Executive Director

[Need a different Enron signatory]