Enron Mail

Subject:RE: City of Austin Breakout Agreement
Date:Mon, 12 Feb 2001 02:50:00 -0800 (PST)

Hi there,

Any comment?


---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 02/12/2001 10:49
AM ---------------------------

lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com on 02/12/2001 10:44:39 AM
To: kay.mann@enron.com, peterthompson@akllp.com
cc: paulpipitone@akllp.com, chriscobb@akllp.com, kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com,

Subject: RE: City of Austin Breakout Agreement


The guaranteed performance values in section 10 have been edited, & I'm not
sure why.

I'm not sure who to go to on the Technical side of your team. Maybe Eric
Booth can explain, but months ago Bruce Golden and I discussed whether the
guarantee values should be revised for site conditions. The decision was
made that a site specific guarantee was not needed, that it would be
acceptable to correct for the difference in elevation (sea level to 435 ft)
and exhaust losses (6" to 12" backpressure).

I'd prefer to stay the course. However, if there is now a compelling reason
to change, I'd like to request the guarantee based on the revised basis
conditions given in Appendix A and verify these performance values. (We
don't have a record of supplying these numbers.) Our guarantee process
usually takes several days to a week, depending on the backlog of requests
in house.

Please let me know asap.



-----Original Message-----
From: Thompson, Peter J. [mailto:peterthompson@akllp.com]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 9:04 AM
To: Kent. Shoemaker (E-mail); Lee. Johnson (E-mail)
Cc: Kay Mann (E-mail); Pipitone, Paul; Cobb, Chris
Subject: City of Austin Breakout Agreement

Pursuant to Kay Mann's instructions, attached please find a
clean copy of the most recent version of the City of Austin Agreement
(the second document below), as well as a blackline showing changes from
the last version circulated on December 14. The Agreement deletes
references to specific performance guarantees for combined cycle plants.
The Agreement now has the exhibits rolled in. To complete the agreement,
we need to include the date of execution, the addresses and contacts for
Sections 25.1 and 25.3, and Exhibit H-2.
<<CRO- City of Austin/GE Facility Agreement Versions 3 to 4.DOC<<
<<Gas Turbine Agreement Draft of 12/13/00.DOC<<