Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Draft CA for curves
Date:Tue, 7 Nov 2000 01:43:00 -0800 (PST)

Please change the first paragraph as follows:
ENA is prepared to furnish you with certain risk analysis information which=
is either confidential, proprietary or generally not available to the publi=
("Confidential Information") in connection with ENA=01,s disclosure to PERC=
and/or enovate for its performing independent risk analysis relating to of=
the portfolio of enovate, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company. Suc=
information may include (but not be limited to) and for PERC=01,s evaluatio=
n of=20
daily curves such as price, basis, index, volitility and interest rates as=
they relate to the operations of enovate, L.L.C. As a condition to=20
furnishing Confidential Information, PERC and ENA each agree to the followi=

As for the paragraph 7, I've asked Gregg if the disclosures will be one tim=
or ongoing. If the disclosures will be ongoing, we may want to rethink the=
effective period to make it two years from the last disclosure.

Gregg also needs a resoluting regarding signing authority, but I've left hi=
a voice mail asking for more information.


=09From: Kathleen Carnahan 11/06/2000 09:13 AM

To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: =20

Subject: Draft CA for curves

Attached is a draft of the CA for Peoples based on Gregg Penman's informati=
below. Gregg says he also wants some language to be included regarding aud=
rights. I did not include this language because I'm not sure how to word i=
(and I could not find an example).

By the way, I used another People's CA I got from Ed's directory as an=20
example because it seemed to fit better than the one I got from you on Frid=

Gregg wanted some pretty specific reference to the confidential data being=
supplied to Peoples, and most of the examples I reviewed were more general.=
Please let me know what I need to change.


This is the example I used:

---------------------- Forwarded by Kathleen Carnahan/NA/Enron on 11/06/200=
09:02 AM ---------------------------
To: Kathleen Carnahan/NA/Enron@Enron, Kay Young/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: =20

Subject: Draft CA for curves


We have forms for confidentiality agreements. All CA's are processed throu=
Kay Young, as she maintains the data base. Kay, could you point Kathleen t=
the repository of the forms so that she can generate the first draft? By th=
way, I've assembled the emails I received on changing the form. I'll be=20
happy to take a crack at the revisions if you tell me which form to start=
with. I know it will have to be processed through before it becomes standa=


---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 10/24/2000 08:56=
AM ---------------------------
From: Gregg Penman on 10/23/2000 10:28 AM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: =20

Subject: Draft CA for curves

Kay - We have previously discussed the idea of a CA to specifically cover t=
curves. We need to put this at the top of the list for this week. Can you=
prepare a CA for the distribution of enovate curves to specific individuals=
at Peoples? I would like it to read as follows:
Basis and Index curves will be provided daily for all points at which enova=
has a position, whether hedged or open, to specific individuals employed in=
the risk management area. (Individuals should be named on a schedule).
Curves are being provided for the express purpose of independent risk=20
analysis of the enovate portfolio by Peoples Risk Management personnel. =

In return, the specific individuals will not forward, copy, or otherwise=20
distribute the curves to any individual not on the approved schedule. No=
communications, written or verbal, will be made to any person other than th=
enovate GM or the Enron designated enovate risk committee member regarding=
any aspect of the curves. =20

I need some language regarding audit rights, but this should get you=20
started. Call me to discuss.


---------------------- Forwarded by Kathleen Carnahan/NA/Enron on 11/06/200=
09:02 AM ---------------------------
From: Gregg Penman on 11/01/2000 03:13 PM
To: Kathleen Carnahan/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron=20

Subject: CA for enovate

Kathleen - As we discussed, here is a high level overview of what I am tryi=
to accomplish. =20

Purpose: Employees and representatives of Peoples Energy will be provided=
information related to the operations of enovate, L.L.C. that is necessary =
appropriate to review the accuracy of data and verify that the operations a=
controls set forth in Section VIII of the enovate, L.L.C. Risk Management=
Policy are being properly implemented and followed. Information may includ=
forward curves such as price, basis, index,volatility and interest rates to=
the extent they relate to the operations of enovate, L.L.C.=20

Restrictions: All information provided is deemed confidential. Informatio=
provided may only be used for the purpose mentioned above. None of the=20
provided information may be distributed or communicated to any person who i=
not subject to the confidentiality agreement.

Call me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your assistance.
