Enron Mail

Subject:Turbine assignment clause
Date:Tue, 28 Nov 2000 04:18:00 -0800 (PST)

Please print and fax this to Sheila. You don't need to print the attachmen=


---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 11/28/2000 12:20=
PM ---------------------------

Kay Mann
11/28/2000 11:47 AM
To: Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa=20
Bills/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott=20
cc: =20

Subject: Turbine assignment clause

Hi there,

I made some revisions to the language Rose proposed.

Here are some questions/comments:

I deleted the references to changing any delegation of rights/obligations. =
I'm not yet clear as to what the agency language will look like, and what=
rights we need/want to change (i) the identity of the agent (ii) the role o=
the agent (iii) whether the agency can be terminated. I'm just not that=20
familiar with the structure yet, but if I can get that information, I'll wo=
on it.=20

I suggest we consider using a credit rating instead of "substantially=20
similiar" comparison. Just easier to decipher.

Rose/Lisa, I've added some SPV language.

I'm added receipt of final payment as an exception to the credit rating=20
standard. In other words, if they have received their final payment, they=
can't use credit as a reason to not give consent.

I don't think we should agree to provide a list of power projects done by t=
assignee in the past 5 years. I also think 3 years is a bit much on audite=
financials, but I didn't comment there.

I don't like their language that an affiliate must be intending to=20
own/operate the plant. I've just bracketed the langauge and added=20
"construct", since I don't know if this point has already been agreed.

Enough explanation, here it is (with Word file attached below):

Except for as described in Section ___ [ next paragraph], neither Party sha=
assign any or all of their duties or rights under this Contract without pri=
written consent from the other Party; such consent not to be unreasonably=
withheld, conditioned or delayed.

Notwithstanding the foregoing: (i) either Party [Agent, too?] may assign a=
or all of its duties or rights to any Affiliate or subsidiary without the=
other Party=01,s consent; (ii) Purchaser may assign any or all of its dutie=
s or=20
rights to any Affiliate of Enron Corp., without Seller=01,s consent, [provi=
that such assignee shall construct, own or operate the [Units] for the=20
purpose of generating electric power for revenue], and (iii) Purchaser may=
assign any or all of its rights and obligations without Seller=01,s consent=
following [delivery/substantial completion?]. In each instance the=20
assignment shall be effective as of the time the assignor delivers notice t=
the other party in accordance with [Section ]. [form to be agreed now?]

Seller shall only be deemed to be reasonable in withholding its consent if=
the proposed assignee: (i) does not have [a credit rating of ___]=20
[substantially the same or better credit quality than Agent] unless (a) the=
proposed assignee provides appropriate guaranties, letters of credit or oth=
assurances of payment issued by an entity or person with [a credit rating o=
___] [substantially the same or better credit quality than Agent], or (b) t=
assignor agrees to remain liable for all liability under this Agreement unt=
[delivery/substantial completion], or © is a party participating in or=20
providing financing or financing structures, including, without limitation,=
structures related to leasing arrangements and project financing, including=
special purpose vehicle receiving financing to develop and/or construct the=
project for which Purchaser [or Agent] purchased the Equipment [add=20
requirement of delivery of =01&rep letter=018 from Enron regarding financ=
sufficiency], or (d) final payment (except for the retention amount) has be=
made to Seller; (ii) is a direct competitor of Seller in the turbine=20
manufacturing business, (iii) is an adverse party to Seller in any material=
litigation, or (iv) if purchasing the Equipment, such assignee is not=20
purchasing such Equipment (or rights thereto) as part of a transaction in=
which Purchaser, Agent or their Affiliates is providing related goods and/o=
services to such assignee. =20

Purchaser or Agent shall have the right to assign or pledge, from time to=
time, all or any portion of their respective right, title and interest in, =
and under the Agreement as collateral for financing of this Facility withou=
Seller=01,s consent.

In the instances where consent is required, the party requesting consent=20
shall request such consent in writing, including the following:

(a) the legal name and address and the form and place of incorporation or=
organization of the proposed assignee;

(b) the current published annual report of the proposed assignee, or if no=
such report is published three years of audited financial statements and a=
description of the proposed assignee=01,s business, if available; and

© [a descriptive list of power generation projects completed by the=20
assignee during the preceding five years].

Seller shall respond to any request for consent within thirty (30) days=20
following its receipt of such request. Seller=01,s consent if granted sha=
ll be=20
in the form of Appendix __ hereto. Any failure to respond in writing withi=
the foregoing period shall be deemed to constitute consent.

When duly assigned in accordance with this Article, (including, following a=
collateral assignment, upon foreclosure by any collateral assignee), (i) th=
Agreement or the rights and/or obligations so assigned shall be binding upo=
and shall inure to the benefit of the assignee (and all rights and/or=20
obligations so assigned, including, without limitation, any and all warrant=
rights, shall be assigned to the assignee as if such assignee were an=20
original party hereto), (ii) the assignor shall be irrevocably relieved of=
and forever discharged from all liability under this Agreement so long as t=
assignee executes an assumption of this Agreement and such liabilities and=
obligations herein, and (iii) Seller shall look only to such assignee for t=
performance of the obligations so assigned. Any assignment other than as=
permitted herein shall be void and without force or effect.