Enron Mail

To:jkeffer@kslaw.com, ccampbell@kslaw.com
Subject:10 AM and 12 PM Friday Conference Calls
Date:Thu, 7 Dec 2000 09:00:00 -0800 (PST)

Hi guys,

We can't sell the acceleration of the put to GE. Although off the record
they will agree to it, for internal reasons they don't want to go on record
with it.

I'll catch up later.

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 12/07/2000 04:59
PM ---------------------------

From: Rebecca Walker 12/07/2000 03:29 PM

To: "'gkutzschbach@fulbright.com'" <gkutzschbach@fulbright.com<,
"'areynaud@coral-energy.com'" <areynaud@coral-energy.com<,
"'dwhaley@coral-energy.com'" <dwhaley@coral-energy.com<,
"'TSeigler@coral-energy.com'" <TSeigler@coral-energy.com<
cc: "'Kay.Mann@enron.com'" <Kay.Mann@enron.com<, "Campbell, Carolyn"
<CCampbell@KSLAW.com<, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: 10 AM and 12 PM Friday Conference Calls

We have set up call-in numbers for our 10 AM and 12 PM conference calls
tomorrow as follows:

10:00 AM conference call
Dial-in: 800-991-9019
Passcode: 6145262# (the "#" key needs to be pressed after the numbers are

12:00 PM conference call
Dial-in: 800-991-9019
Passcode: 6141282#

Rebecca Walker