Enron Mail

Subject:FW: "An Act Encouraging Fuel Cell Technology"
Date:Tue, 12 Sep 2000 03:04:00 -0700 (PDT)

According to Heather, this legislation streamlines the approval process under
the Connecticut Siting Act. I will give you a file with the full text of the
Act and amendments. Mark Oland at Bingham is looking at this issue and is not
sure that Heather's reading is correct.
----- Forwarded by Barton Clark/HOU/ECT on 09/12/2000 10:02 AM -----

Heather Kroll
09/06/2000 03:06 PM

To: Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: FW: "An Act Encouraging Fuel Cell Technology"

---------------------- Forwarded by Heather Kroll/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 03:06
PM ---------------------------

"Leitman, Jerry" <jleitman@fce.com< on 08/24/2000 03:45:46 PM
To: "Heather Kroll (E-mail)" <Heather.Kroll@enron.com<
Subject: FW: "An Act Encouraging Fuel Cell Technology"

Thought this might be interesting to you.

Jerry Leitman

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Levine, Ross
< Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 11:36 AM
< To: Leitman, Jerry; Nock, Herb; Odiseos, Susan; 'Bill Baker'
< Cc: Mahler, Joseph; Carlson, Glenn; Kopp, Ray
< Subject: "An Act Encouraging Fuel Cell Technology"
< On August 23, 2000, Governor Rowland signed Public Act No. 00-93, titled
< "An Act Encouraging Fuel Cell Technology". This act says that the normal
< 18 month hearing and approval process required by the Connecticut Siting
< Council for new electric power plants will not apply to fuel cell power
< plants. Instead, the Siting Council must only make a declaratory ruling of
< no adverse environmental impact, usually about a 60 day process. The
< signing of the act into law was attended by FCE representatives and state
< legislators, who sponsored the Bill and helped get it through the
< legislature.
< Bernie suggested this might be suitable for a press release, or to add to
< our web site and/or to send to Enron. Also, we are going to set up a tour
< for Chairman Gelston of the Siting Council for Torrington and Danbury.
< I have two photographs and a scanned image copy of the act, in attached
< files:
< This is page 1 of the act with Governor Rowland's signature and note: "Dr.
< Baker, Thanks". Note when you open this, you can resize the image to make
< it more legible.
< <<CTAct Page1.jpg<<
< This is page 2 of the act, signed by Governor Rowland. I believe the May
< 26, 2000 date was when the legislature finally approved the bill.
< <<CTAct Page2.jpg<<
< This shows all of the attendees at the signing ceremony: Left to right,
< Ross Levine, FCE; Mortimer Gelston,Chairman Connecticut Siting Council;
< Dr. Bernard Baker, Chairman, FCE; Governor John Rowland; Glenn Carlson,
< FCE; Representative Bob Maddox (R), 66th Dist.;James Murkette, FCE
< Consultant; and Representative Michael Caron (R), 44th Dist. and Assistant
< Minority Leader. Another sponsor of the bill, Representative Terry Backer
< (D), 121st Dist., was unable to attend.
< <<ctMvc-004f.jpg<<
< This shows some of the attendees at the signing ceremony: Left to right,
< Mortimer Gelston,Chairman Connecticut Siting Council; Dr. Bernard Baker,
< Chairman, FCE; Governor John Rowland.
< <<ctMvc-005f.jpg<<
< Thanks to Ray Kopp for the quick course in using the digital camera.
< Ross M. Levine, Esq.
< Director of Contracts and Contracts Counsel
< FuelCell Energy, Inc.
< 3 Great Pasture Rd.
< Danbury, CT 06813
< (203) 825-6057
< (203) 798-2945 (fax)
< rlevine@fce.com (email)

- CTAct Page1.jpg
- CTAct Page2.jpg
- ctMvc-004f.jpg
- ctMvc-005f.jpg