Enron Mail

To:jleitman@fce.com, rlevine@fce.com, kay.mann@enron.com
Subject:FW: FuelCell / Enron
Date:Fri, 10 Nov 2000 01:54:00 -0800 (PST)

Our server is back up - sorry for the delay in your receipt of these
comments which were initially sent out last night. A message from our
system administrator indicates that Kay already received the message below
but Ross and Jerry did not. Just to be safe I am resending to all of you.

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Scheib, Jacqueline Pennino
< Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 10:14 PM
< To: 'kay.mann@enron.com'; Jerry Leitman (E-mail); Ross M. Levine
< (E-mail)
< Cc: Sellay, William
< Subject: FuelCell / Enron
< As discussed, attached is a clean and blacklined version of the FuelCell /
< Enron Agreement reflecting the parties' agreements over the past two days.
< The marked up comments list will follow shortly by PDF file. Please note
< that some of the members of my client's team will be seeing this at the
< same time as you and therefore may have additional comments.
< <<FuelCell Enron (CLEAN) Purchase Agreement.doc<< <<FuelCell Enron
< (RED) Purchase Agreement.rtf<<
< --------------------------------------------------
< Jacqueline Pennino Scheib, Esq.
< Robinson & Cole LLP
< 280 Trumbull Street
< Hartford, CT 06103
< (p) 860-275-8285
< (f) 860-275-8299
< jscheib@rc.com

- FuelCell Enron (CLEAN) Purchase Agreement.doc
- FuelCell Enron (RED) Purchase Agreement.rtf