Enron Mail

Subject:FuelCell / Enron
Date:Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:38:00 -0800 (PST)


I think the clean one is ok to send to Bob Wright as is.

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 11/13/2000 05:37
PM ---------------------------

"Scheib, Jacqueline Pennino" <jscheib@rc.com< on 11/09/2000 09:13:40 PM
To: "'kay.mann@enron.com'" <kay.mann@enron.com<, "Jerry Leitman (E-mail)"
<jleitman@fce.com<, "Ross M. Levine (E-mail)" <rlevine@fce.com<
cc: "Sellay, William" <WSELLAY@RC.com<

Subject: FuelCell / Enron

As discussed, attached is a clean and blacklined version of the FuelCell /
Enron Agreement reflecting the parties' agreements over the past two days.
The marked up comments list will follow shortly by PDF file. Please note
that some of the members of my client's team will be seeing this at the same
time as you and therefore may have additional comments.

<<FuelCell Enron (CLEAN) Purchase Agreement.doc<< <<FuelCell Enron (RED)
Purchase Agreement.rtf<<

Jacqueline Pennino Scheib, Esq.
Robinson & Cole LLP
280 Trumbull Street
Hartford, CT 06103
(p) 860-275-8285
(f) 860-275-8299

- FuelCell Enron (CLEAN) Purchase Agreement.doc
- FuelCell Enron (RED) Purchase Agreement.rtf