Enron Mail

Subject:Leadership Committees
Date:Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

1st group evalutes promotions to VP. =20

Ben is on the analyst PRC.
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 04/20/2001 06:04=
PM ---------------------------
=09From: Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling 03/16/2001 10=
:34 PM

Sent by: Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling
To: All Enron Worldwide
cc: =20

Subject: Leadership Committees

We are launching a number of committees to perform key functions across=20
Enron. Enron=01,s breadth of activities and nonhierarchal organization mak=
e it=20
increasingly necessary to broaden the participation of Enron=01,s next=20
generation of leadership in the important decisions affecting the company. =
Broadening participation will result in increased access to information as=
decisions are made and will allow committee members to extend their working=
relationships and influence throughout the company.

The committee charters and memberships are set forth below. Not everyone=
listed has been contacted in advance. We urge you to serve if at all=20
possible, but, if you cannot, please contact the committee chair.


The VP PRC will continue to be responsible for evaluating the performance o=
Enron=01,s Vice Presidents, determining promotions to Vice President, and=
recommending promotions to Managing Director. Additionally, the VP PRC wil=
review and propose changes to the PRC process, the performance evaluation=
criteria and the promotion criteria.

The VP PRC will be chaired by Dave Delainey and its membership is as follow=

Tim Belden=09Ben Glisan=09Danny McCarty
Michael Brown=09Joe Gold=09Jeff McMahon
Rick Buy=09Mark Haedicke=09Rob Milnthorp
Wes Colwell=09Jim Hughes=09Matthew Scrimshaw
David Cox=09Louise Kitchen=09Jeff Shankman
Janet Dietrich=09Michael Kopper=09Richard Shapiro
Dave Duran=09John Lavorato=09Marty Sunde
Jim Fallon=09Dan Leff=09

Analyst/Associate PRC

The analyst/associate PRC will be divided into 3 groups. Enron Europe will=
have the same committee evaluate analysts and associates. This group will =
chaired by John Sherriff and its membership is as follows:

Pierre Aury=09Kevin Heffron=09Andreas Radmacher
Rob Bayley=09Joe Hirl=09Stuart Rexrode
Paul Chivers=09Chris Mahoney=09Marcello Romano
Markus Fiala=09Christopher McKey=09Bjarne Schieldrop
David Gallagher=09Roy Poyntz=09Ron Slimp
Bruce Garner=09Paul Quilkey=09Rob Stewart

The associate PRC for the Americas will be chaired by Stan Horton and its=
membership is as follows:

Sally Beck =09Troy Henry=09Kevin Presto=20
Jeremy Blachman=09Sean Holmes =09Brad Richter=20
Don Black=09Sean Long =09Stewart Seeligson
Dan Castagnola =09Rodney Malcolm=09Hunter Shively
Joe Deffner=09Scott Neal =09Jim Steffes=20
Kevin Garland=09John Nowlan =09Andy Zipper=20
David Gorte=09Ozzie Pagan =09

The analyst PRC for the Americas will be chaired by Steve Kean and its=20
membership is as follows:

Federico Cerisoli =09Mark Jackson =09Everett Plante=20
Jennifer Fraser =09Ben Jacoby =09Paul Racicot=20
Derrick Davies=09Steve Jernigan =09Angela Schwarz
Scott Gahn =09Jay Lewis =09Ed Smida=20
Rod Hayslett=09Cheryl Lipshutz =09Jon Thomsen=20
Rogers Herndon =09Michael Mann=09Emilio Vicens=20
Brenda Herod =09Ed McMichael =09Frank Vickers=20
Kevin Howard =09Steve Meyers =09

Analyst/Associate Program

The most essential determinant of Enron=01,s continued growth is our abilit=
y to=20
attract and develop new talent. The analyst/associate program has been the=
biggest contributor to our success in this area. Charlene Jackson, current=
leading our analyst/associate program, has taken a commercial position in=
EES=01, account management organization. We thank Charlene for her hard wo=
and many contributions to the program. Going forward, this program will be=
administered by a committee chaired by John Sherriff, CEO of Enron Europe. =
The members of this committee are listed below. Billy Lemmons, currently=
Vice President of Enron Global Markets, will lead the day-to-day operations=
of the program. Billy joined Enron in 1992, and has served in a variety of=
commercial capacities across the company and has been an active participant=
in the Associate /Analyst program. Please join us in congratulating Billy =
his new responsibilities.

Phillip Allen=09Andy Fastow=09Eric Shaw
Robina Barker-Bennett=09Kevin Garland=09Hunter Shively
Rick Causey=09Ken Rice=09Stu Staley
Joe Deffner=09=09


We are combining the vision and values, diversity and corporate=20
responsibility committees into a single corporate culture committee chaired=
by Ken Lay. Cindy Olson, Beth Tilney and Kelly Kimberly will serve as=20
executive directors of this committee. This committee will focus on=20
leadership and work-life issues (making it easier to attract and retain the=
best talent), in addition to continuing the work of the vision and values,=
diversity and corporate responsibility task forces. The members of this=20
committee are as follows:

Greg Adams=09Louise Kitchen=09Mark Palmer
Shelley Corman=09Michael Kopper=09Paula Rieker
Janet Dietrich=09Richard Lewis=09Jeff Shankman
Jeff Donahue=09Sean Long=09Mitch Taylor
Gene Humphrey=09Dan McCarty=09Mike Terraso
Robert Jones=09Jean Mrha=09

The Corporate Policy Committee will conduct the MD PRC and review the=20
recommendations of the other committees, giving substantial deference to th=
decisions of those other committees. We will be forming other committees t=
deal with other significant functions, tasks and issues facing the company.