Enron Mail

To:kay.mann@enron.com, sheila.tweed@enron.com, roseann.engeldorf@enron.com,lisa.bills@enron.com
Subject:New, Improved Consent to Assignment and Assignment Sideletter Lan
Date:Wed, 6 Dec 2000 08:33:00 -0800 (PST)

Cc: kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com, stephen.swift@ps.ge.com, paul.miller@ps.ge.com
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Bcc: kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com, stephen.swift@ps.ge.com, paul.miller@ps.ge.com
X-From: michael.barnas@ps.ge.com
X-To: Kay.Mann@enron.com, Sheila.Tweed@enron.com, Roseann.Engeldorf@enron.com, Lisa.Bills@enron.com
X-cc: kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com, stephen.swift@ps.ge.com, paul.miller@ps.ge.com
X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_1\Notes Folders\All documents
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Fellow Sufferers,

Below you will find:

(a) a revised Consent to Assignment, and

(b) assignment language waiting to be framed:

Please note that in the interest of time I am sending them to you before the
GE team has had an opportunity to review them. Accordingly, there may be
some addition comments from our side.

Happy reading!

Mike Barnas
g _____________
Michael C. Barnas
Counsel, Power Plants Commercial Operations
GE Power Systems
One River Road - Building 37, Room 307
Schenectady, NY 12345 USA
Phone 8*235-7602 (518) 385 7602
Fax 8*235 5466 (518) 385 5466
Mobile 518 369 9538

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this message. Thank you.

- ESAconsentMCBRev.doc
- WorldHungerAssignmentDec6.doc