Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Experience In commissioning GE 7FA's & Slow/Insufficient TDI
Cc:bill.williams@enron.com, scott.dieball@enron.com
Bcc:bill.williams@enron.com, scott.dieball@enron.com
Date:Thu, 24 May 2001 01:12:00 -0700 (PDT)

As far as I know the commissioning period we have in the current LM contrac=
still works for the LMs. I haven't heard any differently. You just plug=
those things in, right Scott?

From the owner/power seller standpoint, the predictability is more importan=
than the time period (within reason, of course). No matte what we have on=
LDs with GE, the penalty for not moving megawatts will be more.

As for standard of conduct, do we have language in the warranty section abo=
how the service techs have to work? Maybe something similiar would be=20
work? =20

The discussion shows that it is a good idea to get them committed to=20
performing the TD of I at the time we sign up to buy the turbines.


05/24/2001 07:54 AM
To: Bill Williams/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON

Subject: RE: Experience In commissioning GE 7FA's & Slow/Insufficient TDI =

Good point on the LM's- I will make that point, at this time I think the=
baseline is 7FAs- and the time should be shortened for LM's. Unfortunatel=
I do not think that EECC has corporate history on the 7FA's commissioning=
time- I think NEPCO does. As to the EPC contractor wanting a similar cur=
time, in effect the commissioning period will have to be built into his=20
Guaranteed Completion Date. This does not mean that GE gets all this time=
to commission, it de facto can be shorter or longer, what it does do is set=
the mark in the sand for one of the criteria that must be met before GE is=
exposed to Takeover LD's because the GE equipment will not meet Specific=20
Performance Guarantees or operate reliabily thus causing the EPC Contractor=
to be late. (slightly run on sentence-whew)

As such it is not a GE slowness LD. =20

As to there not being enough TDI of people or their being inept thus causin=
a delay. A valid concern-and perhaps we can pin GE for. I am struggling=
with what to use as a quantitative standard against which we could assess=
Take Over LDs. It is almost like good/bad art, you know it when you see=
it. Scott and I can try making late, insufficient or inept TDI services as=
(iii) in Section 10.3.2 (3rd reason for trigging Take Over LD's)- but witho=
some standard it will be tought to reach an agreement with GE and tougher t=
enforce. I welcome your creative thoughts. I would expect GE to rail=20
against this.

Scott and Kay- Thoughts?

=09Bill Williams/ENRON@enronXgate
=0905/23/2001 06:13 PM
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: RE: Experience In commissioning GE 7FA's

One thing for me - this contract will not just be for 7FA's. The LMs have=
much shorter fire and ready to go times (days to weeks at most), and to all=
a generic move to 45 days could put aeroderivative gas turbine projects in=
jeopardy with regards to schedule. I must confess I do not have the 7FA=20
experience. EE&CC should be able to back these numbers up.

I suspect this may be a TDI issue as well. GE may be having fewer qualifie=
Technical consultants to cover the onslaught of construction - contributing=
to the request to extend to 45 days.=20

Note, if we go to 45 days for the Seller, the EPC contractor will want the=
same time period to remedy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rigby, John =20
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 3:29 PM
To: Williams, Bill; larson Gene@ENRON; haas Dan@ENRON
Subject: Experience In commissioning GE 7FA's

One of the provisions in the "Standard GE- World Hunger" deals with GE's=20
exposure to Take Over Liquidated Damages. The provisions reads as set oiut=
below.: (it is not final, we are struggling over (e) and (g).

GE wants to change 30 days in (d) to 45 days - they say that their average=
time to go from first roll to complete Unit commissioning is 53 days- They=
will send some info on this to Bill W and me.

Do any of you have recent experience in the first roll to completion of=20
commissioning 7FAs either in simple cycle or combined cycle that I can use=
to confirm or refute tha 45 days is reasonable?

10.3.2 Takeover Liquidated Damages
. Purchaser may assess and Seller agrees to pay liquidated damages (the=20
=01&Takeover Liquidated Damages=018) as set forth in Exhibit B-6, Section B=
for each day that the Facility fails to achieve Takeover by the Time for=20
Completion as a result of any or all of the following:
(a) a the Unit is unable to be commissioned and/or operated reliably (such=
inability being within Seller=01,s sole responsibility as defined herein), =
only after the expiration of the Commissioning Period; or
(b) a the Unit demonstrating performance below the Specific Performance=20
Assessment of such Takeover Liquidated Damages is subject to the following:
© Purchaser elects at its sole discretion not to place a the Unit in=20
Commercial Operation;
(d) Purchaser allows [thirty (30) days] from first fired roll of the Units=
Unit to complete Unit commissioning check outs, any needed replacement,=20
adjustments or corrections to make the Units Unit ready for testing (the=20
=01&Commissioning Period=018);
(e) [Purchaser makes reasonable efforts to provide the necessary time and=
operating loads for Seller and Purchaser to commission and check out the=20
Units Unit. Seller=01,s time and load requirement shall not be to the excl=
of the needs of other Facility equipment being commissioned. Purchaser sha=
coordinate the most advantageous utilization of time and assets whenever=20
conflicting requirements exist and such situations shall not be deemed dela=
by Purchaser];
(f) Subject to (g) below, Purchaser may not assess Takeover Liquidated=20
Damages prior to the expiry of the Commissioning Period;
(g) [In the event Seller fails to use its best efforts to minimize time to=
make corrections, adjustments or repairs to the deficiently performing Unit=
during the Commissioning Period, Purchaser shall have the right to void the=
Commissioning Period and assess Takeover Liquidated Damages without regard=
for the period afforded by the Commissioning Period];
(h) Purchaser provides prompt oral notice of delays affecting commissioning=
(i) Purchaser provides Seller its commissioning schedule no less than forty=
five (45) days prior to commencement of commissioning on the first Unit and=
provides periodic updates thereto;
(j) In the event Purchaser is not subject to similar delay liquidated damag=
with Owner, then Seller will not be subject to Takeover Liquidated Damages;=
(k) In the event that Purchaser is subject to similar delay liquidated=20
damages with Owner, then Seller shall pay Takeover Liquidated Damages in=20
accordance with this Section 10.3.2.
In the event that the Purchaser is Owner, subsections (j) and (k) of this=
Section 10.3.2 shall not be applicable. However, to the extent that the=20
Purchaser is an entity subject to delay liquidated damages associated with=
the Facility, subsections (j) and (k) of this Section 10.3.2 shall be=20