Enron Mail

To:ben.jacoby@enron.com, orshefskyd@gtlaw.com
Subject:RE: FW: Attached Files
Cc:kay.mann@enron.com, raimund.grube@enron.com
Bcc:kay.mann@enron.com, raimund.grube@enron.com
Date:Thu, 31 May 2001 03:12:00 -0700 (PDT)

They are aware that the Broward County Tax Appraiser will assess the proper=
and that as most industrial facilities, the equipment is subject to=20
depreciation.=01; The City's millage rate has remained fairly constant (sta=
growth), but=01;as the tax base increases, they expect the millage rate to=
decrease.=01; The City is looking for a fixed annual revenue stream of $1.5=
1.726 mm (similar to Pompano's 1.5 mm).
After we have all had a chance to review the doc - it would be good to have=
conference call to discuss.=01; We're targetting to get a draft to the City=
early next week.

-----Original Message-----=20
From: Jacoby, Ben=20
Sent: Thu 5/31/2001 8:29 AM=20
To: 'OrshefskyD@GTLAW.com@ENRON'; Krimsky, Steven=20
Cc: Mann, Kay=20
Subject: RE: FW: Attached Files

Ad valorems do not necessarily decrease as a result of depreciation, becaus=
millage rates and a current years reassessment also are part of the=20

Have they asked for this?=20

=01;-----Original Message-----=20
From: =01; OrshefskyD@GTLAW.com@ENRON [=20
Sent:=01;=01; Thursday, May 31, 2001 6:19 AM=20
To:=01;=01;=01;=01; Jacoby, Ben; Krimsky, Steven=20
Cc:=01;=01;=01;=01; Mann, Kay; OrshefskyD@GTLAW.com=20
Subject:=01;=01;=01;=01;=01;=01;=01; Re: FW: Attached Files=20

We wanted to maintain a recurring 1.5mm and since ad advalorems will=20
decrease as a function of depreciation we thought the way to maintain the=
constant we to increase the 650k at the same rate as the depreciation.=20
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)=20

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