Enron Mail

Subject:RE: FuelCell / Enron Purchase Agreement
Date:Mon, 6 Nov 2000 04:01:00 -0800 (PST)

I will have my secretary run it again (better to be save than sorry) and
send it along to you together with a clean copy of what we were comparing

-----Original Message-----
From: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 12:00 PM
To: Scheib, Jacqueline Pennino
Subject: RE: FuelCell / Enron Purchase Agreement

When I run a CompareRite redline I get a different number of changes, so I
was unclear as to the compared documents.


"Scheib, Jacqueline Pennino" <jscheib@rc.com< on 11/06/2000 10:48:55 AM

To: "'Kay.Mann@enron.com'" <Kay.Mann@enron.com<

Subject: RE: FuelCell / Enron Purchase Agreement

The comparison was run against the last version you sent to FuelCell on the
2nd of November.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 11:50 AM
To: Scheib, Jacqueline Pennino
Subject: Re: FuelCell / Enron Purchase Agreement

Please confirm the version of the document which was the basis of the
compared version.

Thank you,



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