Thanks for your support. We checked into the matching, but unfortunately
since the group raising this money was not formed as a Charitable
Organization under the tax reg's, the ability to get Enron to match is not
availible. The goal of each golfer is to raise at least $1000 towards the
$150K goal, and your donation puts me over the $1K bar.
Thanks again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mann, Kay
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:37 PM
To: Mitro, Fred
Subject: Re: Golf for Sarah
I can't open the form, but I'm good for $50. Is this something Enron can
From: Fred Mitro/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/01/2001 01:34 PM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Golf for Sarah
Here is the information on the charity golf outing we discussed. Check out for more information on Sarah and the efforts to help
Attached at the bottom of this email is a pledge form.
Thanks for your support in this good cause.
---------------------- Forwarded by Fred Mitro/HOU/ECT on 04/12/2001 03:54 PM
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Stephen Morse@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 04/12/2001 03:00:16 PM
Enron Golfers:
Hey guys, Sarah Edwards is a friend of a friend's daughter who desperately
needs help to stay alive and all you duffers out there can help:
The 100 holes for golf for Sarah Edwards will be Monday June 4 at
Sweetwater CC. Sarah needs a lung transplant and
approximately $150,000 of the costs are not covered by insurance or
For more info on Sarah, visit
Here is how the 100 holes for golf works:
*Free golf at Sweetwater
*You play as many holes as you can (100 is not mandatory)
* We provide your lunch, drinks and snacks
* You get pledges from your friends to play
*pledges may be flat amounts, per hole, per birdie or per eagle
Lets all keep Sarah alive! Can I get some other tentative commitments?
Steve Morse
Enron Broadband Services
<< OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) <<
- pledge.doc << File: pledge.doc <<