Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Roundtable
Date:Tue, 13 Mar 2001 02:25:00 -0800 (PST)


I've received internal approval to participate. I'll see what I can come up
with for a bio.



"Cogan, John" <JCogan@KSLAW.com< on 03/12/2001 05:06:53 PM
To: "'C. Kay Mann (E-mail)'" <Kay.Mann@enron.com<
cc: "Keffer, John" <JKeffer@KSLAW.com<

Subject: RE: Roundtable

Dear Kay, I was delighted to hear from John Keffer that, subject to
receiving internal approvals, you would be joining us for our Roundtable
discussion on Thursday. When you get the necessary approvals could you
please send me your bio so that we can make sure you get due credit in The
Texas Lawyer? Many thanks, John C.

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Keffer, John
< Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 4:47 PM
< To: C. Kay Mann (E-mail)
< Cc: Cogan, John; LaFollette, Chris; Coley, Randy
< Subject: Roundtable
< Dear Kay,
< Confirming our discussion, The Texas Lawyer has asked King & Spalding to
< organize a Roundtable Discussion of lawyers and business people to discuss
< how the two professions relate to each other in the context of complex
< business transactions.
< The Roundtable would take place privately in a conference room in our
< offices with a court reporter recording the discussion, which would then
< be published in an upcoming issue of the newspaper. Participants will have
< the opportunity to edit their remarks before they are published. John
< Cogan will be co-chairman of the proceedings with our partner, Chris
< LaFollette. I unfortunately cannot attend as I will be out of town.
< The Discussion will take place on Thursday, March 15, from 2 to 3:30. We
< will hold a planning session over lunch in one of our conference rooms
< from 12:30 to 2. No other preparation would be required.
< You would be a terrific representative from Enron to join us and provide
< Enron's perspective. Please confirm your attendance as soon as you get the
< internal approvals by calling John Cogan at 713.276.7371 or by e-mail at
< jcogan@kslaw.com.
< Best regards,
< John

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