Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Signatures for Certain Documents
Date:Wed, 2 May 2001 02:32:00 -0700 (PDT)


I'll rev up the Austin facility agreement again. Eric tells me that we are=
fine with adding the additional TD of I to the facility agreement with a=20
scope/price change.

Ignore the insurance certificate question. My bad.

I've heard that the LOC made it, so GE should be receiving payment in full=
today. =20

LV Co Gen is still moving. There are some of the TurboPark stuff which was=
in the agreed form of override letter. It is being actively worked right n=

Sorry about your trip.


lee.johnson@ps.ge.com on 05/02/2001 09:25:33 AM
To: Kay.Mann@enron.com
cc: =20

Subject: RE: Signatures for Certain Documents


I don't know the answer to your 1st question since I don't recall ever
having to have insurance certificates on any of the other Facility
Agreements. Maybe we did, but I just forgot that detail. Jaap/Kent? do yo=

The Retention LC was faxed this am to Greg Lang and Isabell Parker. Jaap's
Admin Asst can fax you a copy (Carla Corly) if you wish.

Also, need to talk about Austin Tech reps being added to Facility Agreement
asap (Mike Storm says they've worked out 1700 hours with Eric Booth). But
we need something in the interim that confirms this will be added into the
Austin Facility Agreement (e-mail to me OK).



-----Original Message-----
From: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 8:43 AM
To: Shoemaker, Kent (GEAE); Johnson, Lee L (PS, GE AEP); Smink, Jaap
Subject: Signatures for Certain Documents

Good morning.

I haven't seen the insurance certificate she references. Anyone know where
it is?

Is the retention letter of credit available yet? I know it has been
requested, but I don't recall seeing that it has been delivered.

Thanks for everything,

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 05/02/2001 08:37
AM ---------------------------

"Chow, Susan D." <susanchow@paulhastings.com< on 05/01/2001 07:45:03 PM

To: "'ccampbell@kslaw.com'" <ccampbell@kslaw.com<, "'kay.mann@enron.com'"
cc: "Lang, Gregory F." <gregorylang@paulhastings.com<

Subject: Signatures for Certain Documents

"paulhastings.com" made the following annotations on 05/01/01 20:45:12


We have changed our e-mail address. Our new domain name is
paulhastings.com. In most cases, our address is composed of
conventional first name and last name plus @paulhastings.com. Here are
two examples: janesmith@paulhastings.com and danjones@paulhastings.com.
If you have any questions, please contact us at noc@paulhastings.com.


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Attached please find signature pages for:
GE Consent, Consent of Director for transaction.
We will forward signature pages for
Amended LLC Agreement, Consent of Director and Members tomorrow morning
upon receipt from Fed Ex.

Please confirm that insurance certificates have been received from the
insurance broker.=01; It is my understanding that originals were sent to

Susan D. Chow
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
1055 Washington Boulevard
Stamford, Connecticut 06901
(203) 961-7527
(203) 359-3031 (fax)
NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: susanchow@paulhastings.com

(See attached file: ge_conse.pdf)
(See attached file: salmon_d.pdf)