Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Assignment in World Hunger Document
Date:Wed, 28 Mar 2001 06:40:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 03/28/2001 02:40=
PM ---------------------------
From: Scott Dieball@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 03/09/2001 09:10 AM
To: Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: =20

Subject: Re: Assignment in World Hunger Document

----- Forwarded by Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 03/09/2001 09:01 AM=

=09Scott Dieball
=0902/06/2001 04:33 PM
=09=09 To: Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, S=
=09=09 cc: Lisa Bills/Enron@EnronXGate@ENRON
=09=09 Subject: Re: Assignment in World Hunger Document

Thanks Rose for update re assignment language.

Kay/Sheila - Is the language below the same language presently in the form=
contract? If the language is the same, then I gather from Rose that she is=
OK with it but thinks you may not be happy with it. If instead the languag=
is different, then we should run the form contract language past Rose for=
comments. If the latter applies, please send the language to Rose (and cop=
me) as I am not sure if I have the latest version.


=09Roseann Engeldorf@ENRON
=0902/06/2001 03:55 PM
=09=09 cc: Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Bills/Enron@EnronXGate, Kay=20
=09=09 Subject: Assignment in World Hunger Document

Our "world hunger" assignment discussions at year end were preempted by our=
"TurboPark" and "Electrobolt" assignment discussions in connection with=20
moving the LMs and other GE contracts into the various off-balance sheet=20
vehicles at year end.

I have attached a copy of the assignment provisions we agreed to with GE fo=
those vehicles; they are fairly restrictive and I do not think the power=20
lawyers or originators would be particularly happy with them. They gave u=
the flexibility we needed for the financing, but I don't know that they are=
something Enron Corp. wants to live with in our template document.


22.2 Assignment by Purchaser or Agent. =20
Neither Party shall assign any or all of their duties or rights under this=
Contract without prior written consent from the other Party; such consent n=
to be unreasonably withheld. If the Purchaser wishes to obtain the Seller=
consent to the assignment of Purchaser=01,s duties or rights under this=20
Contract, it shall request such consent in a writing which includes or=20

(a) the legal name and address and the form and place of incorporation or=
organization of the proposed assignee;

(b) the current published annual report of the proposed assignee, or if no=
such report is published three years of audited financial statements and a=
description of the proposed assignee=01,s business; and

© a descriptive list of power generation projects completed by the assign=
during the preceding year.

Seller shall respond to any request for consent within thirty (30) days=20
following its receipt of such request. =20
Notwithstanding the foregoing:
(w) any lender participating in or providing financing or financing=20
structures, including, without limitation, structures related to leasing=20
arrangements and project financing in respect of any Unit, may transfer or=
assign its rights associated with such Unit upon liquidation or foreclosure=
of such Unit in satisfaction of Purchaser=01,s obligations under such finan=
(x) either Party may without further consent by the other Party delegate or=
assign its duties or rights to any Affiliate or subsidiary;=20
(y) Purchaser may without further consent of the Seller delegate or assign=
its duties or rights to any Affiliate of Enron Corp.; or
(z) if Purchaser holds or controls other material assets associated with th=
Facility into which any Unit will be installed (the =01&Transferred Facilit=
and if Purchaser transfers of all or substantially all of its rights in and=
to such assets, Purchaser may without further consent delegate or assign it=
duties or rights associated with such Unit to the transferee of such other=
assets (the =01&Transferee=018), provided that one of the following conditi=
ons has=20
and continues to be fulfilled:

(i) prior to payment of the Purchase Amount, that Transferee (A) has provid=
financial guarantees reasonably satisfactory to the Seller and valid until=
such time as the Purchase Amount shall be paid in full, or (B) has=20
demonstrated that it has credit rated by Standard & Poor=01,s at BBB- or be=
and has agreed that if it fails to maintain such rating until the Purchase=
Amount shall have been paid in full that it will provide financial guarante=
as described in subsection (A) above.
(ii) that Transferee shall provide representations reasonably satisfactory =
Seller that a credit facility covering the Transferred Facility has been=20
agreed and is operative.
Purchaser or Agent shall have the right to assign or pledge, from time to=
time, all or any portion of their respective right, title and interest in, =
and under the Agreement as collateral for financing of this Facility withou=
Seller=01,s consent.

When duly assigned in accordance with this Section (including, following an=
collateral assignment, upon foreclosure by any collateral assignee), (i) th=
Agreement or the rights and/or obligations so assigned shall be binding upo=
and shall inure to the benefit of the assignee (and all rights and/or=20
obligations so assigned, including, without limitation, any and all warrant=
rights, shall be assigned to the assignee as if such assignee were an=20
original party hereto), (ii) the assignor shall be irrevocably relieved of=
and forever discharged from all liability under this Agreement so long as t=
assignee executes an assumption of such liabilities, and (iii) the Seller=
shall look only to such assignee for the performance of the obligations so=
assigned. Any assignment by Purchaser other than as permitted herein shall=
be void and without force or effect.
The parties hereto further agree and acknowledge that the foregoing=20
provisions relating to this assignment will only control the assignment of=
Purchaser=01,s rights under this Agreement prior to the date upon which the=
Equipment achieves Takeover. Following such date, Purchaser shall be=20
permitted, without Seller=01,s consent, to: (i) assign its rights under thi=
Agreement, (ii) convey any ownership interest that it may have in the=20
Facility and/or (iii) convey any equity interest that it may have in the=20
entity which owns the Facility.