Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Assignment of GE Contract regarding Vitro Project
Date:Fri, 9 Jun 2000 03:13:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 06/09/2000 11:13
AM ---------------------------

"Stan Jensen" <sjensen@bracepatt.com< on 06/09/2000 10:57:21 AM
To: <Kay.Mann@enron.com<

Subject: Re: Assignment of GE Contract regarding Vitro Project

Attached are the EPC contract with Mitsui that was executed and the Exhibits
to same.

The split EPC contracts and Exhibits are in draft form and have not been
executed. I will have my secretary send you a copy of the latest drafts
later today if you have any specific question please feel free to call or
drop me an email.

<<< <Kay.Mann@enron.com< 06/08 6:15 PM <<<


Could you please me send me the electronic file of the executed EPC
contracts, including the consolidation agreement?



"Stan Jensen" <sjensen@bracepatt.com< on 06/08/2000 02:57:57 PM

To: <Jeff.Blumenthal@enron.com<, <kay.mann@enron.com<,
<Peggy.Banczak@enron.com<, <Steve.Irvin@enron.com<

Subject: Assignment of GE Contract regarding Vitro Project

Following discusions with Kay Mann and Robert Stephens we revised the
Assignment Agreement to have the payment terms for the GE Turbine
incorporated in the Assignment Agreement and to provide Enron North America
the option to have the GE Turbine either returned to it or returned to EEIM
upon termination of the EPC Contract.

Attached is a revised clean version of the Assignment Agreement and a
redline showing how the revised version is different from the original.

Please feel free to call me at (713) 221-1524 with any questions.

Stan Jensen

(See attached file: ASSIGN.doc)
(See attached file: ASSIGNre.doc)