Enron Mail

Subject:Re: E-Next Generation Assignment Documents and Schedule V
Date:Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:14:00 -0800 (PST)

Lisa is a real hoot. Smart, tough as nails. She pulls no punches.

Michael seems to feel better, but he has terrible circle under this eyes.
I'm going to insist that the doctor give him 3 rounds of antibiotics. Being
a boy, it isn't so bad. I just know that the strep is hiding in his
sinuses, so a week after he gets off the antibiotics he gets sick again.

He slept until 800 today, and hour and a half later than usual. I think that
must be his body healing.

He is so excited that 6 flakes of snow might fall tonight.

Paige wrote me today, said she is freezing (she's north of Austin).


From: Suzanne Adams@ECT on 12/12/2000 10:05 AM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: E-Next Generation Assignment Documents and Schedule V

I just love Lisa, she's a little bulldog isn't she.

How is Michael feeling? It's cold outside!

Kay Mann@ENRON
12/12/2000 09:29 AM

To: Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: E-Next Generation Assignment Documents and Schedule V

Hi Suz,

Please print the exhibits and fax to me it home.

I thought you might enjoy this one.

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 12/12/2000 09:26
AM ---------------------------

Lisa Bills
12/11/2000 11:16 PM
To: "Bunk, Sean" <seanbunk@akllp.com<
cc: <lisa.bills@enron.com<, <catherine.clark@enron.com<,
<kay.mann@enron.com<, <sheila.tweed@enron.com<,
<roseann.engeldorf@enron.com<, <mgocker@enron.com<, <sarah.wesner@enron.com<,
<toxley@winston.com<, <mmckay@velaw.com<, "Taylor, Rob"
<robtaylor@akllp.com<, "Popplewell, Tom" <tompopplewell@akllp.com<

Subject: Re: E-Next Generation Assignment Documents and Schedule V

why does LM6000 contract still have brackets around the number of turbines to
be assigned to WestLB? Why does it still ignore the change orders rose asked
you to include?

why does schedule v to PA still ignore the change orders to the various

Please correct or advise why requests for changes are NOT being made.

As you know, these documents are deliverables on Wednesday. Blue Dog had
comments from the other side today. Why haven't I seen a revision or been
asked if I agree with their comments?

Please do not operate in a vacuum without consulting me or Roseon
questionable issues.

Regards, Lisa

"Bunk, Sean" <seanbunk@akllp.com< on 12/11/2000 07:46:53 PM
To: <lisa.bills@enron.com<, <catherine.clark@enron.com<,
<kay.mann@enron.com<, <sheila.tweed@enron.com<,
<roseann.engeldorf@enron.com<, <mgocker@enron.com<, <sarah.wesner@enron.com<,
<toxley@winston.com<, <mmckay@velaw.com<
cc: "Taylor, Rob" <robtaylor@akllp.com<, "Popplewell, Tom"

Subject: E-Next Generation Assignment Documents and Schedule V

Attached please find revised drafts of the following documents:

1. Purchase Option Assignment and Assumption Agreement (LM6000)
2. Purchase Option Assignment and Assumption Agreement (Pastoria)
3. Schedule V to Participation Agreement

Both a clean copy and a copy blacklined to show the changes from the
prior version are included for each of these documents.

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or comments.

Sean Bunk
Andrews & Kurth L.L.P.
600 Travis St., Suite 4200
Houston, Texas 77002
Tel.: 713.220.4427
Fax.: 713.238.7252
e-mail: seanbunk@andrews-kurth.com

This e-mail is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the
recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, please
(i) do not read, copy, use or disclose the contents hereof to others
(any of the foregoing being strictly prohibited), (ii) notify the sender
immediately of your receipt hereof, and (iii) delete this e-mail and all
copies of it.

<<Blackline 593717v3 to v2 (Pastoria Assignment).DOC<< <<Purchase
Option Assignment and Assumption Agreement - Pastoria.DOC<< <<Blackline
593834v4 to v3 (LM6000 Assignment - N.A.).DOC<< <<Purchase Option
Assignment and Assumption Agreement (Turbopark - LM6000).DOC<<
<<Schedule V to Participation Agreement (TurboPark).DOC<< <<Blackline
597234v2 to v1 (Sched. V - Turbo Park).DOC<<
- Blackline 593717v3 to v2 (Pastoria Assignment).DOC
- Purchase Option Assignment and Assumption Agreement - Pastoria.DOC
- Blackline 593834v4 to v3 (LM6000 Assignment - N.A.).DOC
- Purchase Option Assignment and Assumption Agreement (Turbopark -
- Schedule V to Participation Agreement (TurboPark).DOC
- Blackline 597234v2 to v1 (Sched. V - Turbo Park).DOC