Enron Mail

Subject:Re: FW: Midway Project - Generic Interconnect Agreement
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 08:06:00 -0700 (PDT)

Quien es mas macho?

From: Carlos Sole on 05/29/2001 01:30 PM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: Re: FW: Midway Project - Generic Interconnect Agreement

You'll also be even more proud to know the outcome of the following text that
I sent to one of my Mexico clients -- "Matthew, with all due respect, clients
will be doing business with Enron as it is indentified in the introductory
paragraph and the signature block. Indeed, as a side note, most of the
documents that I have drafted or reviewed always use some form of acronym for
subsequent references to Enron. I am indifferent, but I know that the reason
our accounting brethen made that comment, as well as the other comments they
often make that seem counter-intuitive, is that it facilitates their efforts
in ensuring that documents reflect off-balance sheet, soft costs related
rather than on-balance sheet, hard costs. As such, I would defer to them on
this issue" which was in response to "Carlos, with all due respect to our
Accounting brethren, from a commercial point of view, potential clients don't
want to do business with EDM, they want to do business with Enron. So,
please switch the EDM thing back to Enron and everything will be fine."
Anyway, I think Herman must have forwarded copy of those emails to Lisa who
shared it with Joe Deffner and I happened to run into them outside just now
and they were both congratulating me for my "toughness".

By separate email, I'll forward you a redlined form of interconnect agreement
that we can subsequently discuss.

Kay Mann
05/29/2001 11:54 AM

To: Carlos Sole/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: FW: Midway Project - Generic Interconnect Agreement

Could you email me the list of issues you have encountered thus far. Ben
really wants me to check with you. (I'm so proud!!)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 05/29/2001 11:53
AM ---------------------------
From: Ben Jacoby/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/29/2001 10:42 AM
To: Fred Mitro/ENRON@enronXgate, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: FW: Midway Project - Generic Interconnect Agreement

Fred / Kay:

I spoke to Duran this morning, and he and I would like to meet together with
us to discuss the Midway project and whether or not we will be able to
utilize TurboPark Phase 2. I previously told him that because of timing
considerations and because there may be certain agreements that will be
difficult to make TurboPark compliant (such as the attached interconnect
agreement from FPL), that Phase 2 may not be practical for purposes of this

I think this would be a good discussion to have on Friday, because we should
have more information on the GE7FAs and should have already spoken with TECO
on their proposed MOU (and maybe even the tolling agreement). What are your
schedules on Friday?

I also would like to schedule a call for tomorrow with TECO to go over the
MOU. Fred - Please coordinate with Kay and schedule something with Becky
Alex. I would prefer the afternoon if that's OK with you guys, and would like
45 min. before the call for us to meet seperately. Also Fred, please advise
on the status of the tolling agreement.

Kay - attached is FPL's standard form interconnect agreement. I was thinking
that Carlos would be a good choice to review it as he is currently working
with accounting / finance on an Ameren interconnect, so he will already be
familiar with the likely issues. Please let me know what you think. It will
be important to give Duran a summary of likely accounting / finance issues
related to this agreement on Friday.

Hope you both had good weekends.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Krause
Sent: Mon 5/21/2001 9:00 PM
To: Christi L Nicolay
Cc: Ben Jacoby
Subject: Midway Project - Generic Interconnect Agreement

Please see attached for your review and comments.

<<FPL Construction & Connection Agreement Generic.doc<<