Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Its Palacios
Date:Mon, 6 Nov 2000 03:37:00 -0800 (PST)

I just knew you guys got rain the entire weekend. I'm glad it worked out
ok. I tried calling last night but got a busy signal.

When Michael's school asked for names/addresses of grandparents, I didn't
know they were going to send a request for $. Sorry about that!

We are trying to figure out Paige's plans for Thanksgiving, although I'm
about to give up on figuring it out. She doesn't know if she can get a ticket
to the game yet. I'm kinda in the mood to cook, but that's as far as we've
gotten. Lisa tells me they may be heading your way on Saturday? We'll
probably figure things out in the next few days.

We are waiting to see if I'm going to be in town on Thursday to make plans.
I haven't been out of town since our anniversary, so it must be time to go
again! Generally speaking Neil gets home around 600.

Hope you are enjoying the pretty weather today. I can sure see along way



Bill and Rita McCall <bmccall@wcnet.net< on 11/06/2000 11:26:49 AM
To: Kay.Mann@enron.com

Subject: Its Palacios

Good morning. We hope you did not get washed or blown away yesterday. Would
you believe it didn't rain here until last night. We got an inch of rain
then. It did rain a slow drizzle most of the day Saturday. Every thing
worked out great with our company. They fished Friday and we went to Port
Lavaca and Victoria Saturday to some Arts and Craft shows. They could fish
again after we got home. Bobby Clarke's dad is to have the proceduce that
sends dye through the arteries around his heart this morning. He has been
having chest pains. Sallie's mother has had her arteries in her neck
checked out also. Mary's were clear. She is doing fine. I forgot to tell
you we sent money to Michael's school. They will put his name plate in it.
So of course we sent Paige some money also. Do you know your Thanksgiving
plans yet? I must stop so you can go back to work. Let us know a good time
to call Neil on his birthday. Our Love,Mother