Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Midway's Facilities Study & Generic Construction Connection
Date:Tue, 15 May 2001 06:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: christi.nicolay@enron.com, susan.scott@enron.com, herman.manis@enron.com,
roseann.engeldorf@enron.com, lisa.bills@enron.com,
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Bcc: christi.nicolay@enron.com, susan.scott@enron.com, herman.manis@enron.com,
roseann.engeldorf@enron.com, lisa.bills@enron.com,
X-From: Carlos Sole
X-To: Ann Elizabeth White
X-cc: Christi L Nicolay, Susan Scott, Herman Manis, Roseann Engeldorf, Lisa Bills, Greg Krause
X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_1\Notes Folders\All documents
X-Origin: MANN-K
X-FileName: kmann.nsf

Ann Elizabeth,

Attached is a form of interconnect agreement that was sent to Christi Nicolay
of government affairs for her review from a regulatory perspective. She
forwarded it to me for legal review, but am I forwarding it to you since it
is connection with one of your projects. In addition, Herman Manis of
accounting and Lisa Bills and Rose Engeldorf of finance need to review these
agreements from their acocunting and finance perpsectives. I am currently in
the process of reviewing other forms of interconnect agreements with them and
will share with you what I learn from my meetings with them. As of now, I
can say generally that the issues that they tend to modify are: (1) making
the interconnect agreement subject to a notice to proceed requirement which
we control the issuance of; (2) not having a parent or letter of credit
guaranty; (3) broad assignment language; and (4) limited indemnification

----- Forwarded by Carlos Sole/NA/Enron on 05/15/2001 01:16 PM -----

Christi L Nicolay@ECT
05/14/2001 01:33 PM

To: Carlos Sole/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: Midway's Facilities Study & Generic Construction Connection

---------------------- Forwarded by Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT on 05/14/2001
01:32 PM ---------------------------

Greg Krause@ENRON
05/12/2001 08:24 AM
To: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: Midway's Facilities Study & Generic Construction Connection

The agreement they sent was a generic and they are working on a specific
agreement for Midway. If you see significant issues in the generic, perhaps
we should not wait until we get the specific agreement but start pushing to
negotiate the known issues now. We have a meeting with the FPL planning
group on the 17th but on Monday I'll call and see who we will be negotiating
the agreement with.

Greg Krause
05/07/2001 02:01 PM
To: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: Midway's Facilities Study & Generic Construction Connection

I'm not sure. We are trying to copress the
engineering/procurement/construction schedule by getting them to start work
while we negotiate this agreement.
Perhaps if you could review and give us general comments this week. By then
we may be in a better position to tell you when we would need a draft turned.

Does this work for you?

Christi L Nicolay@ECT
05/07/2001 09:34 AM
To: Greg Krause/Corp/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: Midway's Facilities Study & Generic Construction Connection

When do we need to comment on this?

Enron North America Corp.

From: Greg Krause @ ENRON 05/04/2001 05:48 PM

To: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Midway's Facilities Study & Generic Construction Connection Agreement

---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Krause/Corp/Enron on 05/04/2001
05:48 PM ---------------------------

Raimund Grube
05/04/2001 05:11 PM
To: Larry Soderquist/ENRON@enronXgate, Greg Krause/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ben
Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven Rose/Enron@EnronXGate

Subject: Midway's Facilities Study & Generic Construction Connection Agreement

---------------------- Forwarded by Raimund Grube/Corp/Enron on 05/04/2001
05:10 PM ---------------------------

Alberto_Gonzalez@fpl.com on 05/04/2001 03:47:38 PM
To: Raimund.Grube@enron.com
cc: Tom_B_Sanders@fpl.com

Subject: Midway's Facilities Study & Generic Construction Connection Agreement

Thanks for you electronic copy of the letter where Enron directs us to
proceed to develop a Construction & Connection Agreement for the Midway
Today, I'm sending to ENRON a hard copy of the attached report.

(See attached file: Enron-Midway Facilities Study.doc)
(See attached file: Enron-Midway schedule.pdf)

The latest version of our generic Construction & Connection Agreement
is attached for you.
(See attached file: Construction & Connection Agreement

Please note FPL will put together the Appendixes for your project
within the next 90 days.

- Enron-Midway Facilities Study.doc
- Enron-Midway schedule.pdf
- Construction & Connection Agreement Generic.doc