Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Schaeffer Property - Livingston County, Illinois
Date:Wed, 1 Nov 2000 03:29:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 11/01/2000 11:28
AM ---------------------------

Fred Mitro@ECT
10/11/2000 10:46 AM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Rusty Stevens/Corp/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: Schaeffer Property - Livingston County, Illinois


The Fehrs and Ledfords did sign their respective option agreements last week
prior to our Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. I am expecting Karen Way to
forward you an executed original copy of each agreement. I will check with
her on the status of this.

With regard to the policy, I understand your point. Rusty and I will work to
better co-ordinate with you in the future. Perhaps we can lever off of
Kathleen for agreements such as the Schaeffer option.

Let me know.


From: Kay Mann @ ENRON 10/10/2000 08:51 AM

To: Rusty Stevens/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Fred Mitro/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Schaeffer Property - Livingston County, Illinois

Hi Guys,

Enron policy requires that the assignment of tasks to outside counsel go
through (or at least be coordinated with) the legal department. In the
future, please let me know what you need so that there can be some order to
the process.

Did the Fehrs and Ledfords sign the option agreements?

Thank you,

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 08:47
AM ---------------------------

"Way, Karen S. - CHI" <karen.way@piperrudnick.com< on 10/09/2000 02:52:14 PM
To: "'kay.mann@enron.com'" <kay.mann@enron.com<
cc: "'rusty.stevens@enron.com'" <rusty.stevens@enron.com<,
"'fred.mitro@enron.com'" <fred.mitro@enron.com<, "Gershon, Mark A. - CHI"
<Mark.Gershon@piperrudnick.com<, "Townsend, Christopher J. - CHI"
<chris.townsend@piperrudnick.com<, "Shindler, Donald A. - CHI"

Subject: Schaeffer Property - Livingston County, Illinois


This morning, Rusty requested that we prepare an Option Agreement for the 29
acre parcel west of the Livingston Energy Center. This property could be
used as a construction laydown site, but more importantly would provide a
sound buffer for the project. It is our understanding that the Option
Agreement is to be presented to the property owner at some point next week.
We will forward a draft of the agreement to you no later than Monday,
October 16, 2000. Please feel free to call me or Don Shindler
(312-368-2175) with any questions regarding the agreement. Best regards.

Karen S. Way
Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe
203 N. LaSalle
Chicago, Illinois 60601
email: karen.way@piperrudnick.com
(ph) 312-368-2152
(fax) 312-630-6347

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