Enron Mail

Subject:Re: proposal to NMC
Date:Thu, 29 Mar 2001 00:41:00 -0800 (PST)

Yes and no.

They were supposed to call at 5am to see if they should come in at 700 (space
permitting). If no space is available, they are to go in at noon. I'm
guessing they went in at 7, since I think he would have called to say they
haven't gone in. Just a guess, though. He has his computer at home, so I
think if he was sitting around he would drop us a note.


From: Kathleen Carnahan 03/29/2001 08:34 AM

To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: proposal to NMC

Ron has requested a CA in connection with discussions regarding the proposed
project described below. The site referenced as "Arpin" is the option we
have in Wood County, Wisconsin. Can you review it when I get it ready?

Any word from "Daddy Carlos"?


---------------------- Forwarded by Kathleen Carnahan/NA/Enron on 03/29/2001
08:24 AM ---------------------------

Ron Tapscott@ECT
03/29/2001 07:58 AM
To: Terri Clynes/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathleen Carnahan/NA/Enron@Enron

Subject: proposal to NMC


In preparation for our meeting tomorrow, Friday, March 30, I want to provide
you background on the company we will be discussing --

Nuclear Management Company Llc (NMC)
joint venture between -- NSP, Alliant, WEPCO and WPS
services provided -- manage the companies (noted above) 7 nuclear facilities
(5 sites)
The Facilities are as follows:
Point Beach Units 1&2, owned by WEPCO, located in east central Wisconsin (30
miles SE of Green Bay), mW 523 and 500 mW respectively
Kewaunee, owned by WPS, located 27 miles SE of Green Bay, mW 511
Prarie Island Units 1&2, owned by NPS, located in Red Wing, MN, mW560 and 500
mW respectively
Monticello Unit 1, owned by NPS, located 30 miles NW of Minneapolis, mW 536
Duane Arnold, owned by Alliant (IES Utilities), located 8 miles NW of Cedar
Rapids, mW 515
Michigan nuclear facility (no details)

They are looking for a physical hedge (they suggested a 600 mW gas fired
peaking facility) but may be receptive to a financial hedge (especially for
the Michigan site) as well. Or, a combination. I would like to explore
leveraging the Arpin site if we could. They want ownership (percentage or
all) of the gas fired facility. Based on the geographic location of the
facilities noted above. The Arpin site should work well. I would imagine
they have firm service for those sites and if they are looking for the gas
fired facility to take up the slack when these units are out, we should not
have a problem with transport from the Arpin site (even though there is a
west to east issue).

They would also like to market the gas fired facility when the unit is not
needed as a backstop! From a physical plant standpoint -- I would suggest
that we carve out the development with a slight ownership that has a put
option (for the equity we retain) at a future date (but retain a percentage
of the marketing arrangement for sale of excess power in the market). I
think NMC wants complete control based on their view of deregulation in
Wisconsin. I believe their long term strategy is to have a PPA with the
above Utilities for the offtake (firm output w/ firm price) and the ability
to market the excess (from both the Nuclear Units and peaking facility) at
market rates.

This arrangement should be able to flange well with your financial insurance
product (since the addition of the gas fired facility would provide more

The contact at NMC is Greg Palmer (I believe he is ex -- ETS). I have asked
that we have a confidentiality agreement in place before we agree to discuss
a proposal. He agrees. I will ask Kathleen Carnahan to prepare a draft

I look forward to the discussion tomorrow. Please call if you have any
questions prior to the meeting. Thanks, Ron.