Enron Mail

Subject:Status Update Regarding The Great Plains Energy Center/Konicek/Ke
Date:Thu, 28 Sep 2000 05:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

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This is the last Illinois ENA project that is currently "active." We have
been informed that the Lake Calumet/Peoples Energy project is on hold
indefinitely, pending acquisition of turbines by Peoples.

From a legal perspective, the Great Plains Energy Center/Konicek/Kendall
County matter likewise is on hold, pending commercial resolution of
transmission constraint issues with Commonwealth Edison Company. However,
as soon as the transmission issues are resolved, this project could move
fairly quickly.

If and when ENA decides to move forward with this matter, we envision that
PMRW would provide legal counsel in the following areas:

1. Close on the Konicek property. ENA has on option on
this property that expires December 15, 2001. Depending upon various
commercial and operational issues, PMRW may also be asked to assist with
closing on additional properties surrounding Konicek property.

2. Pursuant to the terms of the Annexation Agreement,
annexation of the property to the City of Yorkville may occur when
(a) ENA closes on the Konicek property;
(b) the property is contiguous to the City; and
&copy; either (i) the County issues the final
Certificate of Occupancy for the facility; or (ii) the Annexation Waiver
Notice is delivered by ENA's development subsidiary to the City.
The property currently is not contiguous to the City border.

3. Secure necessary environmental permits and approvals for
pipelines, air emissions, water usage and water discharge.

4. Provide legal counsel associated with negotiating and
implementing roadway and maintenance agreements. If ENA does not annex to
the City of Yorkville and instead develops in the County, prior to issuance
of the building permits, ENA will be required to finalize the terms of the
Roadway Construction and Maintenance Agreements with Bristol Township. If
the property is annexed to the City of Yorkville, ENA still has an
obligation per the terms of the annexation agreement to repair/replace the
damage resulting from construction of the facility. Typically, PMRW also
provides legal counsel as needed during construction for implementing the
terms of the Roadway Agreements.

5. Provide required legal assistance regarding
construction activities. Typically, this involves securing building
permits, certificates of occupancy, etc.

6. Per the terms of the Annexation Agreement, when at least
200 acres of area around the property is developed with industrial or
commercial use, the City can create a special assessment district for
roadway improvements along Corneils Road. Per Section 2(A)(E), the
developer at that point is responsible for 10% or the cost of the roadways
improvements or $300,000 whichever is less for all roadway assessments in
the aggregate. PMRW would assist with all legal issues arising from the
creation of the special assessment district and payments in to the fund.

7. Provide post-construction legal assistance to negotiate
and secure the corporate guaranties for outstanding improvements.

8. Provide legal assistance securing the pipeline route
and the accompanying easements.

9. Provide legal assistance in negotiation of a
potential Assessment Agreement with the County and Township Assessors.
Additionally, if the project is developed under the County's rules, it will
be necessary to negotiate a similar agreement with the County Board of
Assessment Review. Even if developed under the City's rules, it may be
desirable to negotiate such an agreement with the County Board of Assessment

There also has been some internal discussion at ENA suggesting that this
property might be sold. If ENA chooses such a strategy, PMRW would provide
the legal support for the due diligence activities associated with the sale.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me (312-368-4039), Mark Gershon
(312-368-2127) or Karen Way (312-368-2152) if you have any questions.

Christopher J. Townsend
Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe
203 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 368-4039 (direct line)
(312) 630-6300 (direct fax)

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Thank you.

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