Enron Mail

To:ozzie.pagan@enron.com, heather.kroll@enron.com
Subject:VEPCO scheduling
Date:Wed, 20 Sep 2000 03:08:00 -0700 (PDT)

What do you think of this? (sorry it isn't redlined yet)

(b) Intra-Day Scheduling. Buyer may, upon at least four (4) Hours minimum=
advance notice to Seller, request changes to a Schedule by way of an=20
Intra-Day Schedule Notice. Any such changes shall be in increments of at=20
least 50 MW and may not exceed the Contract Capacity nor reduce the Schedul=
to less than four (4) Hours. If the Intra-Day Schedule Notice requires an=
increase in the Scheduled Energy per the Day-Ahead Schedule Notice, Seller=
shall, at its sole discretion determine whether to dispatch the Facility or=
provide Energy from Market Sources. Seller shall use commercially reasonab=
efforts to provide Buyer with a price to accommodate Buyer=01,s Intra-Day=
Schedule Notice. Such price shall include lost profit from any transaction=
which would be cancelled in order to accommodate Buyer=01,s Intra-Day Sched=
Notice, plus all additional costs (whether direct or indirect); provided,=
however, that such costs shall be limited to costs actually incurred by=20
Seller (including cost of cover, penalties, liquidated damages, cancellatio=
charges or the like due to another Person) with respect to (i) transactions=
entered into by Seller with other Persons prior to receipt of Buyer=01,s=20
Intra-Day Schedule Notice (provided that such transactions and the terms=20
thereof can be verified in an audit to be performed in accordance with=20
Section 8.3, (ii) transactions that must be entered into by Seller in order=
to accommodate Buyer=01,s Intra-Day Schedule Notice or (iii) extra costs=20
incurred in operating the Facility to accommodate such notice. For the=20
avoidance of doubt, such costs shall not include Seller=01,s lost opportuni=
costs with respect to transactions that Seller may have been able to obtain=
but were not entered into by Seller prior to receipt of the Intra-Day=20
Schedule Notice. If Buyer accepts Seller=01,s price, then the Schedule sha=
ll be=20
revised to reflect the changes. If Seller is unable to accommodate Buyer=01=
Intra-Day Schedule Notice, such Hours shall not be included as Scheduled=20
Energy for the purpose of determining the Forced Outage Rate. Seller shall=
have the right, but not the obligation, to resell any Energy not taken by=
Buyer due to a decrease in Energy pursuant to an Intra-Day Schedule Notice=
provided, however, that the revenues from any such sales will be offset=20
against the additional costs to be charged to Buyer as provided in this=20
Section 3.4©.