Enron Mail

Subject:VEPCO "to do" list
Date:Fri, 28 Jul 2000 02:58:00 -0700 (PDT)


I've made a list of the transactions I see in the VEPCO deal. Perhaps you
can think of more. I would appreciate your suggestions for B & P lawyers to
assist with these various aspects of the deal, with local counsel input as
necessary. Additionally, I would like to have someone in the Houston office
involved for backup. last minute meetings, etc.

Thanks for your help.

Here's my list:

Power Purchase Agreement with Virgina Power (VEPCO)

Interconnection Agreement (VEPCO)

Land option/due diligence/purchase (Electicities)

Sale of land to the City of Rocky Mount (CRM)

Possible Annexation Agreement (CRM)

Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement (CRM)

Gas Supply Agreeement (CRM)

Land lease (CRM)

Fuel supply (oil)

EPC Contract (NEPCO or other)

Assignment of turbine contract (GE?)

Purchase of other long lead items


Operations and Maintenance Agreement