Enron Mail

To:bob.carter@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, sheila.tweed@enron.com,scott.dieball@enron.com
Subject:Variations- Change Orders- GE - impacts on manufacturing- Need your
Date:Wed, 28 Mar 2001 01:26:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: John G Rigby
X-To: Bob Carter, Kay Mann, Sheila Tweed, Scott Dieball
X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_1\Notes Folders\All documents
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One of the World Hunger issues is that GE does not want Enron to be able to
issue a unilateral change order which would impact the manufacturing schedule.

We have the same issue in the Arcos Power Island deal.

Following is what I intend to propose to solve the Arcos problem and might
work for World Hunger:

" Purchaser acknowledges taht Seller's ability to accomodate changes in
manufacturing scope in a timely or cost effective manner diminish as Seller
gets further along into the manufacturing process, and after a point changes
can only be made after assembly completion or in the field without adversely
affecting Seller's manufacturing obligations to other clients (a "Client
Impact"). Where such a Client Impact circumstance exists, Seller shall
identify such constraints to Purchaser in its proposal submitted pursuant to
Clause 17.2.(b) [time and cost estimate to accomodate the Change
Order-Variation Order], which Purchaser shall take into account in evaluating
Seller's proposed cost and time changes arising out of such Variation scope
change. "

I would appreciate your thoughts as to whether this works for us in the World
Hunger document- I do not want to propose for Arcos if it gives you great
difficultly for World Hunger.