Enron Mail

Subject:Westinghouse - Gleason
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 02:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

please calendar.
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 06/07/2001 09:29=
AM ---------------------------
From: Stuart Zisman/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/07/2001 08:47 AM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: Don Miller/ENRON@enronXgate=20

Subject: Westinghouse - Gleason

I received a letter from Westinghouse in response to our threat to draw on=
the letter of credit. A copy is being delivered to you today. I have spok=
to Patty Clark (Asst. General Counsel for Allegheny) about what we are doin=
and she didn=01,t seem overly concerned but asked to be kept in the loop. =
told her that Enron was very sensitive about the potential impact that our=
threats against Westinghouse might have on Allegheny=01,s contractual=20
relationship with them. Personally, I don=01,t think that we should draw o=
n the=20
letter of credit (even though I believe that we are entirely in the right o=
this one) because it might somehow hurt Allegheny. I don=01,t, however, wa=
nt to=20
take the heat off of Westinghouse so I have not said anything.

We had a call with Westinghouse yesterday to discuss the facts surrounding=
our claim and have a follow up call scheduled for Wednesday (6/13) at 3:00=
pm. You are welcome to participate if you would like. To date, lawyers fr=
either side have not participated in discussions as they have been primaril=
fact-finding in nature. I am happy to give you an update as to what has=20
happened and what I expect to occur on Wednesday at your convenience.

Take care,
