Enron Mail

To:cheryl.costa@enron.com, stephen.swift@ps.ge.com, john.schroeder@ps.ge.com,roseann.engeldorf@enron.com, kathleen.clark@enron.com, peter.nassab@enron.com, karl.siverling@ps.ge.com
Subject:World Hunger Preliminary Discussion List
Cc:ed.giblin@enron.com, john.rigby@enron.com, david.bargainer@enron.com,scott.dieball@enron.com
Bcc:ed.giblin@enron.com, john.rigby@enron.com, david.bargainer@enron.com,scott.dieball@enron.com
Date:Fri, 30 Jun 2000 11:49:00 -0700 (PDT)

Distinguished Distributees:

In the furtherance of our noble goal to reduce the number of required
negotiation points on future contracts, Enron and General Electric have
struck a plan to have a general review and discussion meeting to table and
duscuss contract provisions of mutual interest. The first step towards these
planned discussions is to develop the list provisions which the parties
believe are not currently mutually agreed, and that can, following
discussions at the meeting, be redrafted for inclusion in future contracts
thereby reducing the need for further discussion thereafter.

Enron's first blush at the list of items that require such attention is
attached below. Comments from all recipients is hereby solicited.

We look forward to also evaluating General Electric's preliminary list, which
we understand is forthcoming.

Best Regards,