Enron Mail

To:kay.mann@enron.com, scott.dieball@enron.com, sheila.tweed@enron.com,ed.iii@enron.com, pthompson@akllp.com
Subject:World Hunger Rev 4a- JR
Cc:john.schwartzenburg@enron.com, scott.dieball@enron.com
Bcc:john.schwartzenburg@enron.com, scott.dieball@enron.com
Date:Tue, 15 May 2001 08:03:00 -0700 (PDT)

I took several assignments from the last World Hunger call. Status as

a. Tax language- I have sent a prior version of Rev 4 jr to Matt G asking
him to call me to let me know when he can talk with GE tax rep. Steve Swifit
and I are in London and would like to sit in on that call.

b. Insurance Language review. I sent same version to David Marshall and
Paul Parrish asking for their reviews and opinion as to whether 7FA's are new

c. I "volunteered" to look at the termination language in world hunger, GE
had some problems, and I had the same problem with the ARCOs contract. I
drafted a fix last Friday, sent to Kay M for comment. I have included my
suggested changes in the attached redline. I have forwarded same fix to GE
at end Friday for Arcos. I have asked Kay if she still has a concern with
the Limit of Liability as it relates to termination. I think it works.

d. I "volunteered" to work over Article 10, Exhibit B-3 and Exhibit B-6 in
relation to Guarantees and liquidated damages. I have done that in the
attached redline of the T&C and Exhibits.

e. Some time ago I volunteered to resurrect the language associated with the
reduction in the LD refund in Section 10.9.8. I had sent out a couple weeks
ago but received no reaction. I have entered that fix in the attached

f. I have made several minor changes to definitions associated with

Attached is Rev4-JR version of GE T&C's and Exhibits for world hunger. They
start from the clean rev 4 version of the T&Cs that Peter forwarded to me at
my request. The attached are redlined to show my changes.

I have not sent any of this to GE except for the termination language fix.
I suggest that the Enron team give these a quick read before the World hunger
call. I can print same here and share with GE during the call unless there
is an objection.

I hope this will help to advance the process. My earlier emails to Paul and
Matt were not intended confuse the situation with different drafts. Please
ignore those and for the above purposes use the attached files.

Kay- I suggest that you forward to others who you feel appropriate for the
purposes of the world hunger call on Wednesday.