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From: carlos.sole@enron.com <mailto:carlos.sole@enron.com< URL: <http://money.iwon.com/ht/nw/bus/20011126/hl_bus-n25195358.html?alias=/alias/money/cm/nw< Message: I would think that we would be doing the same thing sometime soon. Raimund said he'd heard Wednesday would be the day. Legal notice: Trade names, trademarks, registered trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Any republication or redistribution of the content contained herein or the Web page is expressly prohibited iWon <http://image.iwon.com/images/money_subheadlogo3.gif< Symbol(s): Find Symbol At-A-Glance Research Short Quote Fundamentals Long Quote News Chart Message Board 7 < Money home 7 < My Money 7 < Portfolio 3 < Markets 5 < News 3 < Research 5 < Top Business 5 < US Markets 5 < IPO 5 < Press Releases 5 < By Industry RELATED QUOTES Symbol Last Trade Change LMT 45.59 +0.58 BA 35.95 +0.32 Enter one or more symbols 3 < Quotes delayed up to 20 minutes. Reuters Boeing Sets 2,900 New Job Cuts Monday November 26, 1:36 PM EST SEATTLE (Reuters) - Boeing Co (BA). on Monday announced2,900 job cuts, boosting its total since the Sept. 11 hijackattacks to 14,900 or nearly half the 30,000 jobs it has said itcould cut by the end of 2002. The 2,900 employees getting 60-day layoff notices on Mondayincluded 2,100 in Boeing's beleaguered commercial jet unit,where orders have shriveled as airlines park aircraft and cutdeliveries of new jets to match shrinking air travel demand,spokesman Tom Ryan told Reuters. Chicago-based Boeing said the latest cuts also include 700workers in its shared services group and another 100 mostlyfrom its embryonic Connexion airborne Internet service and itsJoint Strike Fighter program, which lost a massive Pentagonaward to rival Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT). last month. The latest 2,900 cuts include 1,900 jobs in the Seattlearea, Ryan said. Boeing in October announced 12,000 job cuts, which takeeffect on Dec. 14, and said it would ultimately cut a total of20,000 to 30,000 workers. The first round included 11,400commercial airplane workers and 600 from shared services. Boeing also redeployed 200 of 600 Connexion workers in lateSeptember as airlines backed away from the service and Boeingfocused on flight safety and security applications for thesatellite-based communications network. The aerospace giant has slashed projected deliveries fromits world-leading commercial jet unit to 350 to 400 in 2002from an expected 522 this year. In 2003 the forecast falls evenlower and some industry analysts believe the totals will falleven lower. Earlier this month Boeing Chairman Phil Condit predictedthe current travel slump would cost the manufacturer about1,000 jet deliveries over the next several years. Depending on size, Boeing jetliners sell for roughly $30million to nearly $200 million each. The company has said itneeds to shed workers to meet its stated goal of remainingprofitable despite the lost orders. Several airlines have already failed and others are said tobe teetering near bankruptcy in the wake of the hijackings,which boosted airlines' operating costs and left many of theirplanes half-empty. At the end of October, Boeing employed a total of 196,500workers and 91,600 in its Seattle-based commercial jet unit. The company expects to send out its next batch of 60-daylayoff notices on Dec. 21, Ryan said. ?2001 Reuters Limited. Click here <javascript:eMail_Friend(530, 565);< to email this page to a friend <http://a860.g.akamaitech.net/7/860/992/adsygf983tqg/image.iwon.com/images/email_this_page.gif< Quotes supplied by Standard & Poor's ComStock, Inc. Click here forterms and conditions. <http://www.spcomstock.com/< Technology provided by TIBCO Finance Technology, Inc., <http://www.tibcofinance.com< a Reuters Company. 1 < Money Help <http://www.iwon.com/ct/help/money/index.html< 1 < Give Us Your Feedback <http://www.iwon.com/home/help/feedback_form/0,1977,9,00.html< 1 < Money Glossary <javascript:openGloss()< All information provided herein is for informational purposes only, and no information you may obtain is intended by iWon or its data or content providers to be relied upon or used for trading or investing purposes. iWon or its data or content providers are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or availability of any information, and shall not be liable for any trading or investment decisions based on such information.