Enron Mail

Subject:RE: From Kathleen & Carlos
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 09:25:49 -0800 (PST)

Also, no outside counsel for my divestiture. I had proposed, taking the initial cuts at the documents and including counsel for regulatory and "sanity" checks. MH said -- do it in-house. Interestingly, I thought that was how we would want to do it, but Jeff initially had suggested using counsel. Do you want to go to lunch off-campus?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mann, Kay
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 11:16 AM
To: Sole III, Carlos
Subject: RE: From Kathleen & Carlos

What about WARN requirements? They have to give 60 days notice? Maybe they give notice with voluntary severance this year with sweeter package? They announced writedown in Q4 for severance costs.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)