Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Hi there!
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:34:01 -0800 (PST)

Nice of them to ask. I don't know when my mom is leaving Palacios. I need to ask her. I'm going to guess Saturday or Monday, but I don't know if she's thought about having to shut the house down by herself.


-----Original Message-----
From: neil mann [mailto:nmann@erac.com]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 11:30 AM
To: Mann, Kay
Subject: RE: Hi there!

you're right. wonder what the deal is?

got an email from Lu. he and bev have invited the mann's and the parker's for drinks friday night at the bayou bend towers. i will thank them but tell them we will be out of town.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mann, Kay [mailto:Kay.Mann@ENRON.com]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 11:21 AM
To: nmann@erac.com
Subject: FW: Hi there!

Just kinda seems like they could come in separate cars if they really
wanted to spend some time...
-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Clarke [mailto:lisa@casa-de-clarke.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 4:56 PM
To: Mann, Kay
Subject: Hi there!

Hey! Sorry I missed your call. I was at the mall with the girls. (I
don't like to shop) Bobby mentioned that Beverly's house will be
over Thanksgiving. It'll be good to have the extra elbow room. Odds are
Bobby and I may still stay at the bed and breakfast, just because I like
so much. I feel so spoiled when I stay there.

It looks like we are just barely going to be able to be in Palacios.
is working Wednesday, so I think we are going to come in on Thursday. I
grimace at the thought of spending twice as much time just getting out
Austin. I think we'll get up and leave early on Thursday and try to get
there by late morning. Then of course we need to come back on Friday to
Bobby get ready to "hop the pond".

What do we need to bring as far as plates, plastic silver ware and all
good stuff??? Of course we'll bring cokes and beer and stuff like that,
what else is needed?

We'll also bring some smoked turkey and dressing for Thursday too. We
have a smorgasbord for our meal. And since we have access to Beverly's
house, I can warm stuff up over there, so as not to get in anyone's way.

I'm looking forward to seeing yall again. We are sorry we can't be there
longer, but we're glad to get to be there some.

Let me know what else I need to bring....

Hope you've had a good weekend!


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