Enron Mail

To:matthew.gockerman@enron.com, rhett.jackson@enron.com
Subject:DISREGARD LAST EMAIL ENA/NorthWestern: Revised Letter Agreement and
Date:Thu, 12 Apr 2001 07:59:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Kay Mann
X-To: Matthew F Gockerman, Rhett Jackson
X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_2\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
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These are the current drafts, not the ones I sent earlier.

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 04/12/2001 02:58
PM ---------------------------

"Reuter, Marisa" <MReuter@KSLAW.com< on 04/11/2001 08:27:55 PM
To: "'JeremiahDeberry@paulhastings.com'" <JeremiahDeberry@paulhastings.com<,
"'Michael.Young@northwestern.com'" <Michael.Young@northwestern.com<,
"'MargueriteKahn@paulhastings.com'" <MargueriteKahn@paulhastings.com<
cc: "'Chris.Booth@enron.com'" <Chris.Booth@enron.com<,
"'Ben.Jacoby@enron.com'" <Ben.Jacoby@enron.com<, "'Kay.Mann@enron.com'"
<Kay.Mann@enron.com<, "Keffer, John" <JKeffer@KSLAW.com<

Subject: ENA/NorthWestern: Revised Letter Agreement and Exhibits

I am attaching for your review marked and clean copies of the following

1. Letter Agreement between Enron North America Corp. and NorthWestern
Generation I, LLC;
2. ENA Promissory Note (Exhibit A);
3. First Amended and Restated LLC Agreement (Exhibit C);
4. Escrow Agreement (Exhibit F); and
5. ENA Guaranty (Exhibit G).

In addition, I am attaching a preliminary draft of Enron's form of
Assignment and Assumption Agreement (Exhibit B) with the caveat that the
document remains subject to changes pending further review by Enron. Please
note that I am not attaching (1) a copy of the GE Guaranty (Exhibit E)
because we are satisfied with Paul Hasting's draft of this document and (2)
the LLC Promissory Note (Exhibit D) because Marguerite will circulate this
document as soon as she is done preparing it.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Marisa Reuter
King & Spalding
1100 Louisiana, Suite 3300
713-751-3244 (tel)
713-276-7440 (fax)

<<LetterAgreement.DOC<< <<MarkedLetterAgreement.DOC<< <<ENANote.DOC<<
<<MarkedENANote.DOC<< <<LLCAgmt.DOC<< <<MarkedLLCAgmt.DOC<<
<<EscrowAgmt.DOC<< <<MarkedEscrowAgmt.DOC<< <<ENAGuaranty.DOC<<
<<MarkedENAGuaranty.DOC<< <<Assignment&AssumptionAgmt.DOC<<

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This message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended
exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This
communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or
confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the
named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or
disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this
message in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete
all copies of the message.

- LetterAgreement.DOC
- MarkedLetterAgreement.DOC
- MarkedENANote.DOC
- MarkedLLCAgmt.DOC
- EscrowAgmt.DOC
- MarkedEscrowAgmt.DOC
- ENAGuaranty.DOC
- MarkedENAGuaranty.DOC
- Assignment&AssumptionAgmt.DOC