Enron Mail

To:carlos.sole@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, ccampbell@kslaw.com
Subject:Fwd: Enron Turbine Acquisition Structure
Date:Wed, 21 Mar 2001 04:29:00 -0800 (PST)

GE has graciously extended our option period and is attempting to
accellerate our back-fill delivery. The game is still on.... Panda
included. Their red-lines are attached below. I haven't read the
"documentation", but I suspect Panda/AEP has been busy all this time
recrafting a completely new structure.

---------------------- Forwarded by Stephen Thome/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2001 12:26
PM ---------------------------

"Lori Holt" <LoriH@pandaenergy.com< on 03/21/2001 12:10:09 PM
To: <Jake.thomas@enron.com<, <Stephen.Thome@enron.com<
cc: "Bruce Dyer" <bruced.Dallas.Panda@pandaenergy.com<, "Jimmy Teringo"
<JimmyT.Dallas.Panda@pandaenergy.com<, "Steve Anderson"
Subject: Fwd: Enron Turbine Acquisition Structure

Please review and call when you are finished.
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Subject: Enron Turbine Acquisition Structure
To: Lorih@pandaenergy.com
Cc: grooney@aep.com, rlmetersky@aep.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com
From: dtmusselman@aep.com
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:55:01 -0500
Message-ID: <OFC308CF04.B147F4F6-ON85256A16.0061AA5F@aepsc.com<
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Lori: Attached you will find a Draft Purchase & Sale Agreement under which
a synthetic financing entity would acquire from E-Next an LLC which has as
its sole asset the right to a GE Turbine. This structure is desirable to
us since it makes a cleaner break and we believe it is permitted by the PO.
We have also confirmed with our financing entity that it is a structure
which is acceptable to them in concept. We would like to confirm with GE
that this would be acceptable to them and you will also find a form of
letter attached which would serve as GE's confirmation of that fact. By a
separate e-mail, in the very near future, I am intending to provide a
diagram which shows all steps of the deal structure (in word processing

Please call with any comments or questions.(See attached file: Turbine
Acquisition Documentation.DOC)(See attached file: GE Letter.doc)


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- Turbine Acquisition Documentation.DOC
- GE Letter.doc